PPG SIGMA Coatings 所在地 上海市徐汇区漕溪北路88号409 联系电话 021-22816376 手机 13918577890 经理 韩锦 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多 请卖家联系我详细介绍 PPG SIGMA式玛卡龙涂料 工业涂料 PPG公司 Sigma Coatings式玛卡龙涂料 PPG SIGMA工业防护漆产品目录 SIGMA Dur 188 聚氨酯面漆188 SIGMA Dur 520 聚氨酯面...
PPG公司 Sigma Coatings式玛卡龙涂料 SigmaTherm系列 耐高温涂料 耐温范围 1.能够应付极端温度,提供一种对新建设和维护设备维护,有可靠的长期稳定的表现。 2.抵抗高达175摄氏度/340华氏度,选择SigmaTherm 175 3.抵抗温度高达摄氏540 /华氏1000是必需的,SigmaTherm 540是您的上佳选择. SIGMA Therm 350 耐高温漆 350...
申请人: PPG涂料荷兰有限公司;PPGCOATINGSNEDERLANDB.V. 办理/代理机构: 中国贸促会专利商标事务所有限公司 商标进度 注册申请 1990-12-10 初审公告 1991-09-10 已注册 1991-12-10 终止 2031-12-09 商标信息 商标图案 商标名称 SIGMA COATINGS 国际分类 第02类-颜料油漆 商标状态 商标使用许可备案 申请...
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for guidance only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by PPG Protective & Marine Coatings, whether In technical documentation, or In response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise, are based on data which to the best of our knowledge are.....
PPG Protective Coatings concentrates on the development of high quality products which solve problems for customers and/or provide distinctive benefits. We have a global operation covering all continents in 70 countries and our products and systems are supported by the best customer service standards ...
PPG式玛油漆涂料 工业涂料PPG式龙油漆公司 Sigma Coatings式玛涂料 PPG式龙工业公司是世界的涂料及油漆供应商之一。旗下的式龙历史悠久、源于1722年的荷兰。如今式龙在世界50多个国家和地区、有10,000余名员工,以其专注和专业的态度,在装饰涂料,船舶涂料和工业防护涂料领域为客户提供最佳产品和服务,用创新和热情为...
“PPGSigmaglide2390 coating is a unique formulation that paves the way for ship owners and operators to improve efficiency and reduce CO2emissions,” said Jan Willem Tegelaar, PPG global platform director, Marine Coatings. “The speed loss performance ...
TANKMAINTENANCE FORECONOMICALREPAIROFCORRODEDTANKBOTTOMS PROTECTIVECOATINGS .sigmacoatings/protective PPGPROTECTIVE&MARINECOATINGS UNRIVALEDPERFORMANCEANDPROTECTION PPGProtective&MarineCoatings(PPG)isaworldleader inprotectiveandmarinecoatings.Wedevelopproducts thatprotectcustomers’assetsinsomeo theworld’smost demanding...