Start exploring real-time data from the cloud today — no SQL required! Get your Sigma trial account up and running in minutes.
Cloud Sigma云主机具有5个地点的全球数据中心,100% SLA和24/7技术支持。用户可以在几分钟内创建并开始使用自己的云服务器。云希格玛主机兼容用于开发应用程序,运行PaaS/SaaS和大数据存储。其他功能包括高性能和优化,SSD和磁性存储,多个千兆速度,即时配置,定制的API等。 起步定价: 免费试用: 公司名称:CloudSigma Ho...
2013年6月底,Sigma Cloud SME项目正式交付,华为成为继思科后第二家公有云服务供货商。目前,Sigma主要以出租虚拟机和IP业务为主,并成功对接了现有银行支付系统, 支持了在线支付、开通虚拟机业务,用户体验调查显示,中小企业的满意度提高了30%。 经过拓展,已经成功吸引了300家中小企业将原有租用亚马逊的云服务业务迁移到...
Making the world safer with SIGMA Contact our team to learn how SIGMA can help you protect people with purpose.
Sigma Computing推出对Cloud A&BI平台的重大更新 来源 【TechWeb】Sigma Computing最近宣布发布了其基于云的商业智能和数据分析平台的一系列主要更新。新的交互式仪表板突出显示了此更新,该仪表板使技术用户和非技术用户之间都可以进行协作。Sigma还包括一项新的应用程序嵌入功能,该功能允许将仪表板嵌入...
In the menu item "My Trips" you will find a summary of your recorded trips including weekly, monthly and annual statistics (distance, riding time). Here you can also see if you have reached your set goals or not. The trips can also be uploaded to the free SIGMA CLOUD. ...
- Export training data to the SIGMA DATA CENTER with the SIGMA DATA CLOUD (including the altitude profil when using iPhone 6) - Control your music with play, pause, previous, next, and playlist selection functions - Connects with Apple Health Maximize the app! Turn the SIGMA MOVE app into ...
Tremor Cloud(远程监控) 可选主动采集软件包 所有的必要程序 主动震源数据: 可控震源-Force3 炸药震源-BoomBox 3 冲击震源-RTM 3 被动震源数据: 水力压裂监测 面波采集 长期监测 地震监测 技术参数: 电气参数:增益Sigma 4-3Sigma 4-4Sigma 4-3+Sigma 4-4+ ...
The name of a supported shape such as: circle, triangle, square, pentagon, star, hexagon, heart or cloud. Alternatively, if you are feeling adventurous, it can also be the name of any Google Material Icon as listed here (the name must be lowercase and snake_case, e.g. the name "Arro...
Designed for today’s cloud environments it’s Simple, Secure and Smart – giving you peace of mind whatever your instant issuance needs. Simple From easy unboxing of the printer to issuing cards or mobile flash passes (just minutes later) to managing your printer through the intuitive dashboard...