is an exciting musical clicker game where you build the ultimate sigma character by clicking as fast as possible. Tap your Sigma Boy to earn points, level up, and evolve him into the ultimate alpha figure. The more you click, the faster he transforms in this free online game. Earn money...
Sigma Boy is an addicting musical clicker game where you goal is to create the ultimate sigma pal by clicking as much and as fast as you can. Start by clicking on your sigma boy to earn your first points. Keep clicking and watch him evolve in this free online game on
[AutoClicker]:自动点击,点的很快速,无延迟 [KillAura]:杀人犯(最暴力的杀人法,PVP党的福利,别人靠都靠不近你,开启作弊可快速攻击最远6格外的生物,快捷键R) 【Player】人物类 [Nofall]:摔落保护(掉落无伤害) [UhcGodMode]:自杀 安装说明 1、下载并解压zip文件。
NoLongerAliveLol (875) sigma1nimani (362) 0 1 查看 3 12/20/2024 sigma1nimani (362) sugarrcrashedd (321) 1 0 查看 37 12/20/2024 AstenFire (437) sigma1nimani (338) 0 1 查看 50 12/19/2024 sigma1nimani (338) misclicker6905 (1314) 0 1 查看 28 12/19/2024 sigma1n...
===Sigam 5.0 翻译=== ===Combat 战斗类=== AimAssist 目标辅助 AntiBot 抗假人也就是防狗 AntiVelocity 防击退 Autoclicker 连点器 Autopot 自动喷药水 Autosoup 自动喝汤,也就是蘑菇煲。职业战争或某些饥饿游戏有用 AutoSword 自动选最好的剑。很方便 BowAimbot ...
[AutoClicker]:自动点击,点的很快速,无延迟 [KillAura]:杀人犯(最暴力的杀人法,PVP党的福利,别人靠都靠不近你,开启作弊可快速攻击最远6格外的生物,快捷键R) 【Player】人物类 [Nofall]:摔落保护(掉落无伤害) [UhcGodMode]:自杀 安装说明 1、下载并解压zip文件。