Nome del prodotto SIGMA 85mm F1.4 DG HSM Art for Nikon Brand SIGMA Misure Peso 1130.0 g Diametro x Lunghezza 94.7x126.2 Diametro 94.7 mm Lunghezza 126.2 mm Proprietà del prodotto Distanza di messa a fuoco (min) 0.85 m Dimensione del Filtro 86.0 mm Attacco Obiettivo Nikon Apertura (min) ...
健身马 适马SIGMA全球首支最大光圈F1.8全画幅变焦镜头 28-45mm F1.8 DG DN丨Art恒定F1.8照亮变焦新视界 上帝要包邮 7 2 适马发布 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II 镜头:经典之眸,焕新而归 骚机社 32 49 简单开箱一个超广角镜头— 适马 14-24mm F2.8 DG HSM Art For Nikon 时空猎人123 6 7 索尼G大师...
健身马 适马SIGMA全球首支最大光圈F1.8全画幅变焦镜头 28-45mm F1.8 DG DN丨Art恒定F1.8照亮变焦新视界 上帝要包邮 7 2 适马发布 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II 镜头:经典之眸,焕新而归 骚机社 32 49 简单开箱一个超广角镜头— 适马 14-24mm F2.8 DG HSM Art For Nikon 时空猎人123 6 7 索尼G大师...
手上原本有的24 85与85 1.8两个头,85的在室内拍娃有点耍不开,水平有限,用24 85套头拍出来的又很难让自己满意。就想添个焦距短点的定焦。网上补了下知识,感觉35MM的比较适合。选择么无非原厂与副厂。DS就只有一个副厂的命了 。穷就这点好,不用纠结 价格刷了几大电商半个月也没等到站里推过的4700左右...
Re: Nikon 50/1.8G or Sigma 50 ART for D810 In reply to NikonJ • Feb 10, 2016 NikonJ wrote: Actually several respected reviewers including Lenstip found that the Sigma's corner performance was better than the Otus in the wider apertures. Differences overall between the two lenses on...
SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG HSM Art for L-Mount 4.6 $691.00 SIGMA 30mm F1.4 DC HSM Art for Nikon F 4.5 $339.00 SIGMA 30mm F1.4 EX DC HSM for Sigma 4.3 $379.95 SIGMA 50mm F1.4 DG HSM A for Sony E 4.4 $657.76Reviews This product is rated 4.6 based on 2,343 ratings. This product ...
适马(SIGMA)ART 35mm F1.4 DG HSM 全画幅 大光圈定焦镜头 人像街拍夜景(尼康单反卡口) ¥4599 去购买 入手价格4300元,依旧比京东便宜,所以没有多少犹豫,当场入手。 关于滤镜,也没多么考虑玄学,靠谱就行,正好看到有值友推荐凤凰,老牌国产,就买了。卡片就不插了,大家直接京东,淘宝搜索即可,这玩意儿应该也没人会...
Make a good deal when shopping your SIGMA 50-100mm f/1.8 DC HSM Art Lens for Nikon F w/Haida Kit. Klarna's easy Camera Lenses price comparison tools will help you find the lowest price!
Make a good deal when shopping your SIGMA 35mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Lens for Nikon F Deluxe Kit. Klarna's easy Camera Lenses price comparison tools will help you find the lowest price!
Buy Sigma 28mm f/1.4 DG HSM Art Lens for Nikon F featuring F-Mount Lens/FX Format, Aperture Range: f/1.4 to f/16, Two FLD Elements, Three SLD Elements, Three Aspherical Elements, Super Multi-Layer Coating, Hyper Sonic AF Motor, Manual Override, Weather-S