硝酸钾- 15 N 60 atom % 15N; CAS Number: 57654-83-8; Synonyms: 15N 标记 KNO3; Linear Formula: K15NO3 at Sigma-Aldrich
Order high-quality Antifoam 204, a mixture of non-silicone polypropylene-based polyether dispersions for microbiological research, from Sigma-Aldrich.
数量:-+支 立即购买加入采购单 正品货源 质量保障 商品详情 商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:Sigma-Aldrich 所属分类:氨基酸及其衍生物 货品编号: Sigma.D4902-25MG 品牌: Sigma 品名: 地塞米松 规格:25MG 产品描述: Reconstitution To prepare 20 μg/ml stock solution, add 1ml absolute ethanol per mg product;...
Sigma-Aldrich于2005年3月成为RNAi协会的一员,参与这一技术平台的研发与生产,并负责推广与销售。 产品特点: √ 全面,针对每个基因有3-5个不同位点的克隆 √ 经济,质粒可复制 √ 灵活,可用于瞬时或稳定的RNAi试验 √ 慢病毒颗粒,让转染率低不再是问题...
“Fraction V” has been used by some to describe serum albumin regardless of the method of preparation. Others have used this term to describe serum albumin purified by ethanol fractionation methods that have been highly modified since the original Cohn method was described. Sigma-Aldrich ...
Trade-Ideas LLC identified Sigma-Aldrich (SIAL) as a "water-logged and getting wetter" (weak stocks crossing below support with today's range greater than 200%) candidate
产品名称: sigma-aldrich中国总代 sigma-aldrich公司代理 产品型号: 进口产品展商: Sigma-Aldrich Co产品文档: 无相关文档 简单介绍 sigma-aldrich中国总代 sigma-aldrich公司代理 **生物上等代理商http://www.lookbio.com/ 进口sigma-aldrich中国总代 sigma-aldrich公司代理上海**生物科技有限公司(http://www.lookbi...
货品编号:Sigma.d4693-1g 数量:-+支 立即购买加入采购单 正品货源 质量保障 商品详情 商品评论 商品咨询 品牌:Sigma-Aldrich 所属分类:生化标准品 货品编号: Sigma.d4693-1g 品牌:Sigma 品名:Dispase II 规格:1g 产品描述 Analysis Note The enzyme can be initially dissolved in 50 mM Hepes/KOH pH 7.4...
Sigma-Aldrich - Great Deal And Premium For InvestorsThe Value InvestorMon, Sep. 22, 20146 Comments Sigma-Aldrich: 3 Different Insiders Have Sold Shares This MonthMarkus AarnioWed, Feb. 19, 20141 Comment Sigma-Aldrich: Great Company But Overvalued StockUlfberht CapitalMon, Feb. 25, 2013 This Di...
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