Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 DG OS HSM Sport Lens for Nikon - Brand New Lowest price·Free shipping Macy's Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 Dg Os Hsm Sport Lens for Nikon F-Mount - Black Free shipping, 1-3 days B B&H Photo Video Audio Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8 DG OS HSM Sports ...
In a dpreview review of the best 70-200 f2.8 the Lumix beat the Sony GM and Canon L and nearly level with the Nikon, optically it is excellent from various othef sources. At £1599 with a body purchase I wouldn't look at Sigma but lens only £2099 I would. You have to consid...
200端近摄到2m,色散、彗差和过矫正球差都增加,好在像散不大。 300/3.2 3m 300端近摄到3m,球差和色散都变大,中心分辨率明显下滑,好在分辨率还算比较均匀的。 此外,Nikon的近摄是变窄的,这对生态摄影有利。 总的来说,120300E呈现明显的强化300端的特点,120和200端稍显逊色,300端无论近摄还是远射都优于其他...
Now you might expect that the next zoom in our list would be theSigma Sport 70-200mm f/2.8but I wasn’t blown away by that lens. There is nothing wrong with it per se, it just tends to be a little heavy, a little bulky, and a little boring. The optical performance is decent bu...
There is slight possibility Nikon's Z 200-600mm f/nothing lens will come to light in a little over 3-weeks. Or add another 30-days for hinted at 2nd Nikon event. However, should Z 200-600mm follow in foot-steps of Z 70-200mm f/2.8 S lens or 800mm f/6.3 S; you could be wa...
适马70-200 Sport使用体验,尼康适马腾龙三家70-200大对比 Cendro_Wu 23 43 #原创新人#NIKON 尼康 d750 单反机身 + SIGMA 适马 35 F/1.4 art 不完全使用感受 我是庄壮壮 40 24 SIGMA 适马 35mm F/1.4 DG HSM 标准定焦镜头 尼康卡口; USB DOCK使用体验 苹果爱我苹果 37 28 可能是被85透支了惊喜--适马...
150-600mm F5-6.3,属于超长焦变焦镜头,属于适马Contemporary(现代)系列,与Sport(运动)系列那支150-600,这支C系列的150-600更加轻巧便携,镜头口径为95mm,直径105mm,镜身长260mm,重量为1930g,尽管比其前辈要短小轻巧,但归根结底是一支用来打鸟或拍摄野生动物的大炮,长时间户外携带使用需要具备一定的体力。内部为14...
#每日玻璃鉴赏# Sigma 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG DN OS Sport 相关专利目前最长的DN镜头,可惜存在感很低,甚至有的人压根不记得西格马还推出了这款镜头。专利是昨天公开的,有多达15个实施例,可惜没有一个跟实物完全一致:要么结构不对、要么用料不对、要么片形间距不对、要么有非球面。不过性能倒是都差异不大。我选...
1.我是nikon F口 S35使用者2.因为接触得少,我没有具体拿其对比过双倍价位的 Nikkor 35mm f/1.4G...
Sigma says the first-ever service will be offered for both existing (currently seven) and future Global Vision lenses, which come in Art, Sport, and Contemporary varieties. Photographers will have their choice of a Sigma, Sony, Pentax, Nikon, or Canon mount. Have a mirrorless Sigma lens? Yo...