50-500 OS DG hsm 登录后可直接显示原图 制造商 : RICOH IMAGING COMPANY, LTD. 型号: PENTAX K-3 光圈: f/9.0曝光时间 : 1/250ISO感光度 : 400焦距: 500mm (0) (0) 只看该作者 不看该作者 加入黑名单 举报 返回顶部 个人图文集 个人作品集 第 2304 帖东...
值得一提的是,不單是遠攝,原來鏡頭的近拍能力亦相當優異,鏡頭於 200mm 時最高便可提供 1:3.1 的放大倍率,足以應付近距離的特寫拍攝。 Sigma APO 50-500mm F4.5-6.3 DG OS HSM 提供 Canon、Nikon、Sony、Pentax 及 Sigma 共五種接環,預計將於 3 月 5 日推出,定價為 198,975 日圓。 查詢︰2573 6655...
Pentax, Sony, Olympus and Panasonic cameras.2024 Black Friday & Cyber Monday Shoppingis coming near and during this shopping season, you can save a lot of money from buying Sigma lens hot deals. It is never too early to buy a great deal!
55 71 x 99 422 AF卡口 MF卡口 S = Sigma FD = Canon FD M = Minolta RT = Contax N= Nikon MD = Minolta MD D = Nikon D AI = Nikon AI P= Pentax Z OM = Olympus OM C = Canon Mount KPR = Pentax and Ricoh *号表示微距档
2、最大闪光指数为50 (ISO 100); 3、闪光涵盖范围为28mm-105mm; 4、内置闪光扩散片,可以将闪光涵盖范围扩大至17mm; 5、具有TTL自动曝光功能,分别可以配合Sigma机身的S-TTL、Nikon的3D和D-TTL、Canon的E-TTL和Minolta的ADI和Pentax的P-TTL闪光控制; ...
I hope to test the larger and more expensive Sigma 50-500mm lens later.Versions and Formats intro topThe Sigma 150-500 comes in mounts for Nikon, Canon, Pentax, Minolta Maxxum, Sony and Sigma cameras.I am only addressing the Nikon version here. You may make the usual extrapolations for ...
PENTAX 宾得 DFA150-450mm全画幅长焦镜头适用于K1 K1II等单反相机 11799元 天猫精选 12-07 16:11 1 0 88VIP:Nikon 尼康 AF-S 50mm f/1.4G 全画幅单反标准定焦镜头/人像/风光旅游 2611.55元 天猫超市 12-07 14:03 0 0 Nikon 尼康 AF-S 50mm f/1.8G 全画幅单反镜头 尼康F卡口 58mm 1359...
PENTAX 宾得 DFA150-450mm全画幅长焦镜头适用于K1 K1II等单反相机 11799元 天猫精选 7小时前 1 0 88VIP:Nikon 尼康 AF-S 50mm f/1.4G 全画幅单反标准定焦镜头/人像/风光旅游 2611.55元 天猫超市 9小时前 0 0 Nikon 尼康 AF-S 50mm f/1.8G 全画幅单反镜头 尼康F卡口 58mm 1359元 京东 12...
PentaxForums.com Marketplace Listing Item for Sale Sigma 170-500mm F5-6.3 APO DG FOR PENTAX Asking Price 300.00 USD Item Location RHODE ISLAND (United
Perhaps that was my set in the samples thread:Sigma 170-500mm F5-6.3 APO - PentaxForums.comThe distance to subject in that sequence wasn't far - less than 5 metres from memory. As other reviewers have said, the sharpness at the long end is OK when the subject ...