Image courtesy: Tom Calton The massive Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 lens (listed here at BH) was quite a popular "Clickbait" lens that made a lot of publicity for Sigma. This week Asobinet reported the lens has been officially discontinued. UPDATE: Petapixel no
PMA 2007: Sigma has today announced one massive beast of a lens; the APO 200 - 500 mm F2.8 EX DG. This lens is stated by Sigma as being the worlds first Ultra-Telephoto Zoom Lens that offers an impressively fast F2.8 maximum aperture through its range. The lens also features and LCD...
The Sigma 500mm f/5.6 DG DN OS Sports, combining its stellar optics with its light weight, helps it fill the role of a go-to lens for enthusiastic bird photographers. The weight difference is enormous compared to other popular birding lenses like the Sony FE 200-6...
SIGMA 50mm F2 DG DN丨Contemporary具有高光学性能和F2的大光圈,提供浅景深和美丽焦外效果,帮助拍摄富有表现力的画面。凭借其紧凑的尺寸,这款经典焦距镜头非常适合人像、街头和日常摄影,并且经久耐用。使用与SIGMA CINE LENS(电影镜头)系列相同的工艺,这支镜头采用坚固耐用的全金属结构,提供稳定舒适的手感。
I ordered it early this year at my local store in Europe. I had the Sony 200-600mm 5.6-6.3 G Lens, the new Sigma 500mm 5.6 DG DN Sports feels very snappy in autofocus. -- hide signature -- SWA SupremeWideAngle's gear list: ...
The Sigma 500mm f/5.6 DG DN OS Sports, combining its stellar optics with its light weight, helps it fill the role of a go-to lens for enthusiastic bird photographers. The weight difference is enormous compared to other popular birding lenses like the Sony FE 200-600mm f/5.6-6.3 G OSS...
锐度秉承适马一贯作风,锐不可当,全开光圈放大200%也是细节满满,可以说画质上这个镜头没什么毛病 虚化...
Canon LENS EF 300mm F28L キャノン レンズ 動作未確認 2362元 剩:16小时 1316 SIGMA AF APO 170500mm F563 canon EFマウント シグマ 望遠ズムレンズ 145元 剩:15小时 [表情]美品[表情] SIGMA シグマ Contemporary 150600mm F563 DG OS HSM キヤノンEFマウント用 望遠ズムレンズ ケス付き...
Product name SIGMA 500mm F4 DG OS HSM Sports for Nikon F Brand SIGMA Measures Weight 3310.0 g Diameter x Length 144.8x380.3 Diameter 144.8 mm Length 380.3 mm Product properties Focusing Distance (Min) 3.5 m Focal Length (min) 500.0 mm Filter Size 46.0 mm Lens Mount Nikon F Apertu...
A compact and lightweight ultra-telephoto prime, the Sony E-mount Sigma 500mm f/5.6 DG DN OS Sports Lens leverages a robust construction and advances in optical design and optical stabilization to deliver professional-grade performance when used handheld and in the most challenging environments. Th...