Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG DN OS Sport(S021)是专为MILC设计的镜头,原厂仅推出自家的L-Mount与Sony E-Mount两种接环版本,若以商业角度来看E-Mount当然是销售主力,而且从规格及用料来看,似乎也有与原厂镜一较高下的实力。 Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG DN OS Sport原厂即赠镜头保护袋与背带,镜头保护...
SIGMA 昨日公佈了即將於2月底推出全新 SIGMA 60-600mm F4.5-6.3 DG DN OS (Sport) SONY E mount 鏡頭。相比過往已推出的 150-600mm E- mount Sport 版本,具備更快速對焦反應同比150mm 更廣闊的中距角 2021年9月11日 產品資訊 全新SIGMA I 系列 F/2光圈鏡頭!
Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM Sports Lens for Canon–$600 Off—Amazon/B&H/Adorama Sigma 16mm f/1.4 DC DN Contemporary Lens for Sony E–$75 Off—Amazon/B&H/Adorama Sigma MC-11 Mount Converter/Lens Adapter–$75 Off—Amazon/B&H/Adorama Sigma 35mm f/1.4 DG DN Art Lens for Sony ...
若Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG DN OS Sport(S021)的600mm长焦还无法满足你的望远需求,或许也可以考虑Sigma原厂为E-Mount推出的增距镜,分别有1.4x与2x两种选择,这使得此镜的望远焦段分别可延伸至840mm与1200mm,不过最大光圈则会被强制缩小,或多或少都会影响到AF的表现,这也是需考量的关键点之一。 镜头相关...
The 150-600 Sport is the right choice for me now. The other 2 possible better options are out of my price range (500 f4 or 200-400). I was happy with the contemporary which I used for 3 years, but the Sport has a little more autofocus consistency and image contrast and it is ...
Sigma supplied the L-mount version for my review, and I used the Panasonic Lumix S5 IIx to test it. The optical results should apply to the e-mount version for the Sony owners out there. One of the quirks of Lumix bodies is they sometimes slow their photo autofocus when connected to an...
其實在 2014 年後半年,Sigma 已經推出了150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Sport版,不過定價較Tamron SP 150-600mm F/5-6.3 Di VC USD高出不少,而且鏡頭設計更著重鏡身造工與操作,與 Tamron 全力追求便宜輕巧的方針有所不同,因此不能夠算是直接的競爭對手。終於我們等到Sigma 150-600mm f/5-6.3 DG ...
in general but I gotta recognize tighter works better for shooting people (tho wide angle distortion from shooting too close isn't as evident on kids IMO), and so does a smaller less conspicuous lens at times (part of why I like a small short tele). E mount is spoiled for options, ...
Order Sigma Mount Converter MC-11 for Sony E-mount (Canon EF Lenses|Sigma SA Lenses) ORDER NOW Order Sigma Mount Converter MC-11 for Sony E-mount fromB&H Photo|Amazon Thank you for supporting this website through purchases from our affiliate partners! We always strive to bring you the best...
400/2.8 + TC 2x for EF or F mount, then I would be my lens for tripod (I have XF55-200 and 200mm is definitely not enough for me, when shooting wildlife) . Meanwhile, having XF100-400 and Sigma 150-600 I see no point in buying XF150-600 as F8 was the reason to buy Sigma...