For example, you can now purchase a very capable spectrum analyzer that costs less than an average ham transceiver. This month we'll review the SSA3021X spectrum analyzer and companion TG-SSA3000X tracking generator, offered by Siglent Technologies - an international high-tech company that ...
Siglent SSA3032X 9kHz - 3.2GHz Spectrum Analyzer w Price: $2,595.00 Siglent SSA3015X Plus 9kHz - 1.5GHz Spectrum Analy Price: $1,295.00 Siglent SSA3021X Plus 9kHz - 2.1GHz Spectrum Analy Price: $1,650.00 Siglent SSA3032X Plus 9kHz - 3.2GHz Spectrum Analy Price: $2,890.00 Siglent...
描述: RF ANLZ BENCH 9KHZ-2.1GHZ 购买数量: 库存:16 最小起订量: 1最小递增量: 1 数量 单价 1 1325.25 请发送询价,我们将立即回复。 产品信息 参数信息 用户指南 MfrSiglent Technologies NA, Inc. TypeSpectrum Analyzer StyleBench SeriesSSA3000X ...
Siglent SSA3032X 9kHz - 3.2GHz Spectrum Analyzer w Price: $2,595.00 Siglent SSA3015X Plus 9kHz - 1.5GHz Spectrum Analy Price: $1,295.00 Siglent SSA3021X Plus 9kHz - 2.1GHz Spectrum Analy Price: $1,650.00 Siglent SSA3032X Plus 9kHz - 3.2GHz Spectrum Analy ...
Siglent SSA3021X PLUS $ 1,650.000 Plus Series Spectrum Analyzer 9 kHz to 2.1 GHz FFT BOMに追加 データシート DistributorSKU Stock MinPkgBulk Pricing 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Updated DigiKey Marketplace 2204-SSA3021XPLUS-ND 10 1 Box USD 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 1,650 3h Jameco 23059...
SIGLENT SSA3000X Plus Spectrum Analyzers are powerful and flexible tools for RF signals and network analysis. With a frequency range up to 7.5 GHz, the SSA3000X analyzers deliver reliable automatic measurements and multiple modes of operation: spectrum analy...
鼎阳科技 - Supplier and Product Introduction - September 30, 2019 Part# :SSA3000X,SSA3032X,SSA3021X more version(s) SIGLENT Technologies在IEEE-EMC 2017上的展览 SIGLENT Technologies参加了2017年8月7日至11日在北美举办的IEEE EMC电磁兼容性和信号完整性展览会。展会上,SIGLENT展示了多种产品,包括SSA...
SIGLENT SSA3000X Plus Spectrum Analyzers are powerful and flexible tools for RF signals and network analysis. With a frequency range up to 7.5 GHz, the SSA3000X analyzers deliver reliable automatic measurements and multiple modes of operation: spectrum analyzer the ...
Siglent SSA3000X Spectrum Analyzers offer a frequency range of 9 KHz to 2.1/3.2 GHz. With their light weight, small size, and friendly user interface, the SSA3000X present a large, bright, easy to read display, powerful and reliable automatic measurements...