signal(SIGINT,SignHandler); while(true) sleep(1); return 0; } 该程序运行起来以后,通过按 CTRL+c将不再终止程序的运行。应为CTRL+c产生的SIGINT信号已经由进程中注册的SignHandler函数捕捉了。该程序可以通过 Ctrl+终止,因为组合键Ctrl+能够产生SIGQUIT信号,而该信号的捕捉函数尚未在程序中注册。 2、 忽略掉...
信号从产生到执行,并不会被立即处理,这就意味着需要一种 “方式” 记录信号是否产生,对于 31 个...
signal(registered signal, signal handler) 1. 这个函数接收两个参数:第一个参数是一个整数,代表了信号的编号;第二个参数是一个指向信号处理函数的指针。 让我们编写一个简单的 C++ 程序,使用 signal() 函数捕获 SIGINT 信号。不管您想在程序中捕获什么信号,您都必须使用signal函数来注册信号,并将其与信号处理程...
sigint的handler写错了导致我ctrl-c都停止不了进程,最后直接关窗口强行停 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...相关推荐 e刷新 +关注 娱乐璞·景 03月08日 23:01 #锦心似玉 #《锦心似玉》徐令宜不喜欢乔莲房矫情做作,...
voidsigint_handler(intsig) { [dosomecleanup]signal(SIGINT,SIG_DFL);kill(getpid(),SIGINT); } What I've run: This is the stacktrace I'm getting by trying to reset theSIGINThandler using this following snippet: defsignal_handler(signum):# Do some cleanupifsignum==signal.SIGINT:gevent.signal...
Can you return a non-zero exit code when SIGINT is passed in? I don't think it's normal for a program to return 0 when ctrl+c is pressed. I don't know the SIGBREAK signal, but perhaps the same applies there as well.
It seems like CTRL-C or SIGINT only kills the statements on the client end, and the statements continue to execute server side. How does the KILL command affect a stored procedure that is mid-transaction? Does it trigger the DECLARE HANDLER? If so, with what SQLSTATE? Thank you!Navig...
signal(SIGINT,SignHandler); while(true) sleep(1); return 0; } 该程序运行起来以后,通过按 CTRL+c将不再终止程序的运行。应为CTRL+c产生的SIGINT信号已经由进程中注册的SignHandler函数捕捉了。该程序可以通过 Ctrl+终止,因为组合键Ctrl+能够产生SIGQUIT信号,而该信号的捕捉函数尚未在程序中注册。
process.on('SIGINT', function () { process.exit(somecode); // now the "exit" event will fire }); Just because the built-in handler won't do it for me. It also means I can no longer depend on the default exit code that Node associates with SIGINT, which apparently is 128 + sign...