Sights.-Relates to sights for elevated targets, whereby the inclination of the sight line to the axis of the barrel may be varied according to the angle of elevation of the target, and consists in a device for producing the said variation by hand or automatically. The back-sight rod a ...
programme and budget targets, as Members will knowfromsightingthequarterly Public Works Programme (PWP) progress reports sent out by the Works Branch. 各位議員可參閱工務科每季發表的工務專刊, 便可得悉㆖述工程的進展。
A post having a generally smooth exterior is carried by the base and extends outwardly from the base for a distance which is sufficient so that the distal end of the post may be inserted into the aperture on the firearm. Also provided is some means for manually securing the post in the a...
programme and budget targets, as Members will know from sighting the quarterly Public Works Programme (PWP) progress reports sent out by the Works Branch. 各位議員可參閱工務科每季發表的 工務 專刊, 便可得悉㆖述工程的進展。 Sighting a more dramatic proportion, the...
In the military tests the skirmishing results bounded up from less than 20 per cent, under the old style of sights to 95 under the negative angle method. On "stag "targets with the ordinary 0.303 sporting rifle, 7-inch "heart "groups were made with unfailing regularity at varying distances...