Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Idioms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. SIGHT, contracts. Bills of exchange are frequently made payable at sight, that is, on presentment, which might be taken naturally to mean that the bill should then be paid without further delay; but although the point be ...
Handgun Calibers [Ultimate Guide] Rifle Calibers [Ultimate Guide] Subtension Subtension describes the length of an arc at a specific distance, defined by two radii separated by a given angle. This term is relative and depends on the measurement system being used. For example, in the MOA...
Targeting AMMO: DND's need for munitions: David Pugliese reviews some of the key munitions and weapons systems currently being considered by the CAF--both in the short term and the long With so many to choose from, selecting a sighting system for your handgun can be a little overwhelming. ...
The most precise method of using a compass, this method is similar to using a handgun. Unfold the compass so the cover is at a 90-degree angle and the lens is at a 30-degree angle. Place your thumb through the thumb loop, hold your index finger alongside the body of the compass, an...