另外,使用绘本学习核心词汇也是一个好法子,在论坛里看到一位家长推荐用国外的220 Dolch Sight Words in a Story学习,是将220个核心词汇编写到一个故事中,帮助小朋友复习和巩固核心词汇,而且这位有心的家长还请母语人士录制了音频,真的很棒! The Best Thing In The World(文本) Once upon a time, there were ...
Sight words(视觉词汇),也称高频词汇,即在阅读材料中出现频率极高的单词。通过学习sight words,可以极大地提高阅读速度和阅读流利性。Sight words在各个教材中出现频率是极高的,几乎都是课标必学词汇。 如果我们的孩子能够掌握Sight wor...
单购 Sight Words 88%好评 在APP中打开 未登录 简介 Sightwords故事从Pre-K到Grade 3一共5个级别,难度从易到难。50个可爱的故事,带孩子学会220个高频词和日常句型。 共50 集 第1集,跳和跑 00:36 第2集,我们来帮忙吧 00:33 第3集, 一个滑稽的小丑 00:32 第4集,一起玩 00:38 第5集...
sight word story ~I can be 372023-02 4 sight words story~Black ant 422023-02 5 sight words story~Are you? 482023-02 6 sight words story ,I am 872023-02 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1617 Sight Word1 by:喵小豆521 26.7万 Sight Word Kids by:小小宇宝讲故事 1947 sight word tales by:英途少儿英语...
卓睿思教育创作的外语有声书作品Sight Words Story,目前已更新4个声音,收听最新音频章节Sight Words Story1。SightWordsStory——220个高频词组成的故事,结合所学自拼只是,让孩子轻松自主阅读!
And sailed a thousand miles that day at last. When whistled on both banks the apes in crowds, Thousands of mountains the swift boat had passed. 《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》(唐·李白) 故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。 孤帆远影碧空尽,...
二、sight words的具体单词内容 1、Pre-primer(学龄前入门级)a 一 away 离开 back 后面 big 大的 box 箱子 can 可以 cat 猫 cow 奶牛 dog 狗 egg 鸡蛋 find 找到 funny 有趣的 help 帮助 I 我 is 是 jump 跳 little 小的 make 制作 me 我 my 我的 one 一 play 玩 run 跑 see 看见 the 这个...
#dolch_story_color.doc 资料来源: (This passage contains all of the 220 Dolch Basic Sight Words.) The Best Thing In The World Once upon a time, there were four brothers who lived in a far away land. Their father was an old king. One day he said, "I will not live long now. Today...
The first player to get 5 in a row is the winner. Pre-K through 1st Grade Read, Trace, Write (Unit 19) Students will read, trace, and write their weekly sight words in this activity. Pre-K through 1st Grade Trace Twice (Unit 19) Kids will trace each sight word two times using ...
1、Sight WordsPre-Primer ListDolch Pre-P rimer Sight Vocabularyafindisnotthreeandforitonetoawayfunnyjumpplaytwobiggolittleredupbluehel plookrunwecanheremakesaidwherecomeImeseeyellowdow ninmytheyouSight WordSentenceSight WordSentenceaI ate a sn ack.lookI will look in my desk.andMy frie nd and ...