As kindergarten teachers, we know how important it is for students to have multiple exposures to concepts as part of the learning process. This is especially true when it comes to applying phonics knowledge to reading and spelling sight words! The more opportunities that students have to work wi...
Maelstrom Interactive is a small, family company. We are also parents of twins. If you enjoy Kindergarten Sight Words, please review us in the iTunes store. Feel free to contact us with questions or feedback. Thanks! Visit our website: ...
Kindergarten Sight Words features multiple interactive activities to introduce and practice use of high frequency words critical for reading. High frequency words or sight words are the building blocks for children learning to read. This application includes 100 of the most common words found in readin...
Phonological Awareness Skills Assessment: This is another informal screening tool designed for for Kindergarten students. University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning: DIBELS stands for Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills. This assessment is more difficult to administer (it requires ...
Sight words are critical to reading not only because they are used so frequently, but also because many of them cannot easily be sounded out or illustrated. Help students gain fluency reading as they master thesekindergarten sight words. Theflower sight wordsin this pack that kindergartners and...
With this sight word games for kindergarten, your child gets to take an adventure across the savannah.
These kindergarten sight word practice sheets are the perfect way for your kids to practice and master sight words all year long! These worksheets allow kindergarten students to work with each word in a variety of ways. Each worksheet has 7 sight word activities for students to complete, giving...
Sight words are a key part of learning to read and involve commonly encountered words that should be familiar enough to identify on sight. Explore some common sight words for sixth-grade students, and examine their meanings and ways to learn them. Introduction & Strategies Do you remember when...
As anxious as you may be to get started mapping out words with your students, there are some necessary prerequisites that must be met before you do. Mapping sight words or any words can’t start on the first day of kindergarten. If we really want students to be great word mappers, they...
Students match sight words to the shape of letter blocks.; the exercise helps kids learn to recognize sight words by their shape. Free | Worksheets | Vocabulary | Kindergarten | Printable