Sight Word Kids Book 3B(PDF版本+JPG版本) Sight Word Kids Book 4A(PDF版本+JPG版本) Sight Word Kids Book 4B(PDF版本+JPG版本) Sight Word Kids Book 5A(PDF版本+JPG版本) Sight Word Kids Book 5B(PDF版本+JPG版本) Sight Word Kids Book打印文本 Sight Words的教材全套视频、音频、pdf电子书、打印文...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) sight--word识读卡片-打印版.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 sight--word识读卡片-打印版.pdf 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:136***0034 审核时间:2021-06-01 审核...
Sight Word Kids Book 4B(PDF版本+JPG版本) Sight Word Kids Book 5A(PDF版本+JPG版本) Sight Word Kids Book 5B(PDF版本+JPG版本) Sight Word Kids Book打印文本 音频 Sight Word Kids CD 1A Mp3 Sight Word Kids CD 1B Mp3 Sight Word Kids CD 2A Mp3 ...
宝贝学常见词Sight Word Kids 5A册..pdf,宝贝学常见词专为初学英语的孩子设计的,是由美国学者道奇先生(E.W.Dolch)总结的,他发现,在英语初级阅读中有这样220个基础单词,他们在儿童读物中的出现频率高达60%-85%。
Have them put the word in a sentence Point out that this word normally starts a sentence that is a question. You can even go as far as to show your students what a question mark is. Sight word books pdf This book, of course, focuses on the word “which”, but you also get to re...
一套游戏化学习Sight Word的好玩意儿——Sight Word Fluency Flip Book。Flip Book,中文译为手翻书或翻翻书。它的本意是多张连续动作图片制成的小册子,当快速翻动书页时,因人类视觉暂留而感觉图像动了起来。但在英文学习中,Flip Book往往被引申为需要孩子自己动手制作的英语单词或句子学习小书,既能翻阅,又能...
Hello,Hello!今天跟大家分享这份超棒的资源——sight word book(高频词小书)词汇学习。从易到难一共37本,国外的学习网站下载而来,适合5-7岁的小朋友配合相应的阅读练习学习使用。 添加课代表微信 回复“高频词”即可获取资源 sight words是指那...
资源里的每个Sight Word都有配套的书写指导,第一次接触的孩子可以沿着示例描摹出单词,再次学习的时候就要尝试根据示例自己写句子了! 级别递增,难度适宜 Sight Word Fluency Flip Book这套一共分了三个阶段,Pre-Premier,Premier,Grade1。 Pre-Premier阶段共124页,涵盖了40个高频词,Premier阶段有144个高频词,一共学习...
Sight Word of the Week covers 40 key sight words for Preschool and Kindergarten students. Each week covers a single sight word with fun and engaging worksheets, activities, games and hands-on resources. Students put their knowledge to the test with a weekly sight word mini-book that will brid...
Sight Word Tales 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Jumpstart reading success with these lively titles that systematically teach the top 100 sight words! Each book contains a read-aloud story that introduces four key words PLUS several engaging activities that reinforce the words. This special set...