It was admin- istered in person and orally by volunteers and by the association's staff before or after the audio description sessions. The surveys were collected by Sound of Light employees and stored in the association's headquarters. Data collection started in April 2018 and was extended ...
The Blu-ray, out June 25 in the U.S., boasts a 5.1 soundtrack. Upgrades from the nicely done 2007 DVD set are the HD video and lossless audio. The hour’s worth of extra features all are ported over from the DVD, which also featured surround sound. The Blu-ray and 2007 DVD both...
Pink Floyd: The restored and expanded “Delicate Sound of Thunder” album and concert film resurfaces in CD and vinyl sets. This time it’s a solo repackaging of the material recently offered in the “Later Years” box set. Guitarist David Gilmour worked on the remixes. Restored concert film...
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