FN SCAR突击步枪是比利时赫尔斯塔尔国营工厂为了满足美军特战司令部的SCAR标案而制造的现代步枪。SCAR意为“特种部队战斗突击步枪”(SOF Combat Assault Rifle)。2007年7月,赫尔斯塔尔工厂开始生产少量突击步枪,在美国主要被第75游骑兵团和“海豹”突击队采用。
西格绍尔556经典步枪(556 Classic rifle)是瑞士军队现役步枪SG550的民用版本,其与SG550采用完全相同的零件和生产工艺,除了只能半自动发射之外,与军用型号毫无区别。 2014年推出的556xi系列步枪是556经典步枪的最新版本,具备一些更加先进的功能。556xi俄罗斯显然是为了出口而设计的。西格绍尔并没有丝毫掩饰其争取军用合...
Papago Armsin Taiwan announce that they have in stock the GHK 553 Full Metal Gas Blowback Rifle in stock. They also have a freely downloadable 5.56 magazine decorative sticker design to use on the magazine... "The GHK SG553, which players are looking forward to for a long time, has fina...
Watch: Physicist fires submerged SIG SG 550 rifle at himself to show how water stops bullets byAlex Hollings Apr 20, 2019 Share This: We’ve all seen it inmovies: The hero needs to make a hasty escape, so he dives through the window into a nearby body of water. His pur...
..for military sniper rifle. This mod was done long time ago, and, as I know, someone used same model too. Before publishing this mod here its animations was edited, and also, some old bugs were fixed. Perfect gun, nice textures, also it has some shading to make it look more realist...
the SG 552 Airsoft for evaluation.rnThe SG 552 Airsoft is designed to replicate the SG 552-2 Commando 5.56x45mm NATO and 5.6mm GW Pat 90 Swiss assault rifle. The Swiss-made SIG SG 550 series rifles are considered by many to be the bestrnassault rifles currently in service.rnThe compact...
Sig 550Steyr AUG A1 Steyr Scout Arctic Warfare Magnum, Police Model (AWM/P) G3/SG-1 Precision Sniper Rifle Sig 550价格:$4200 原产地 : Switzerland 制造商 : Sig Arms 口径: 5.56mm NATO 容弹量 : 30 发 最大备弹量: 90 有效射程(CS) : N/A 重量(EMPTY) : 7.02 kg. Projectil...
SIG SG 550 (Sturmgewehr Model 550) / Stgw 90 Assault Rifle / Assault Carbine 14/19 1988 SIG-Sauer P228 (M11) Semi-Automatic Pistol 15/19 1984 SIG-Sauer P226 Semi-Automatic Handgun 16/19 1983 SIG-Sauer SSG 2000 Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle 17...
The SG552 in real life is majority used by the law enforcements instead of the Terrorists. The SG552 is a shorten-barrel variant of Swiss army's standard service rifle, the SG550. It's usually used by special forces during close-quarter battle. Another variant of the SG550 is theSG550...