事实上,XCarry版本的P320也是一个相当不错的选择。 如果你打算购买P365手枪,你需要先评估一下自己是否能够掌控它。你可以前往射击场亲自试射365和365XL,看看自己是否能感觉到它们之间的显著差异。
1660 -- 13:43 App 【转载】KWA H&K MP7 GBB玩具拆解 4157 1 43:23 App 【转载】GHK AKS74U 组装 2391 -- 4:12 App 【转载】用取卡针更换SIG P320/P365 弹夹释放扭 3881 -- 16:29 App 【转载】SIG SG553 与 SG552 对比 7108 1 14:17 App 【转载】美式改装-西格绍尔SIG Sauer P250 更...
The Legion’s trigger is wider than a P320 and conducive to good control with clean break. This is a single-action trigger, not a double-action-only like the Glock. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire — not when you think you will fire, but when you fire...