M17 紀念型手槍與獲得美國陸軍模組化手槍系統 (MHS) 合約的槍支具有相同的組件、塗層和標記。 M17 紀念版手槍僅生產了 5,000 支出售,每支 SIG SAUER M17 紀念版手槍的序號為 M17-0001 至 M17-5000,並包含陸軍所需的唯一識別碼 (UID)。 M17 出售時採用的紙板包裝與交付給美國陸軍的包裝相同。從手槍到包裝,...
The M17 commemorative handgun is made to the same specifications as the U.S.-government grade pistol. Though the M17 is similar in design to the civilian Sig Sauer P320, the military version has more robust internal mechanisms and had been adjusted to fix a...