SIG p320 carry configuration, full size grip with compact upper in 9mm. With SIG Custom Works fire control unit. Has about 100 rounds on it. One 17 round magazine, bright SIG lite night sights. No trades at this time. Asking $600. Buyer will need to sign
浅谈西格绍尔火控组FCU。现代轻武器对模块化的需求越来越高,Sig在14年设计并量产的P320走在模块化的最前端,也因此pk掉Glock和M9,赢得了美军的大单并逐步开始列装(M17/18)P320最值得一提是你可以根据自己需求、习惯和喜好任意组装出一把手枪,因为火控组(FCU) 是可以安装进任何P320的握把,大小高矮胖瘦美丑,爱怎么来...
I’ve handled my fair share of P320s, from the X series to the Legion models. I like the guns, but the P320 AXG is the very best I’ve ever handled. Maybe I’m a sucker for metal frames. Maybe the Custom Works brands just outperform every other P320. Whatever the reason is, I ...
Grabbing a Glock 19 or a P320 after running dot torture with the P365 feels like putting down a can of Red Bull and picking up a can of Fosters. The analogy works because the little gun gives us just about everything we’d need in a carry gun without the hangover of all that size ...