Rules:Rules: Themeasurementw/theThemeasurementw/thesmallestsmallest#ofsig.figs#ofsig.figs determinesthe#ofsig.figsinanswerdeterminesthe#ofsig.figsinanswer Let’sPractice!!!Let’sPractice!!! 6.221cmx5.2cm=32.3492cm6.221cmx5.2cm=32.3492cm
Rules: The measurement w/ the smallest # of sig. figs determines the # of sig. figs in answer Let’s Practice!!! 6.221cm x 5.2cm = 32.3492 cm2 4 2 How many sig figs in final answer??? And the answer is…. 32 cm2 Adding and subtracting with sig figs The last sig fig in...
These are the general rules for knowing which digits are significant and which aren't. To use this calculator, a user simply enters in a number for which he wants to find the number of significant figures in the number and which digits of the number are significant. After the number is...
SignificantFigures(SigFig)Rules DeterminingSigFigs •1)ALLnon-zeronumbers(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)are ALWAYSsignificant. •2)ALLzeroesbetweennon-zeronumbersare ALWAYSsignificant. •3)ALLzerostotheleftofthenumberareNEVER significant •4)ZerostotherightofthenumberareNOT significantifthereisNOdecima...