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This contract is designed to act like a time vault, where users can deposit ether into the contract and it will be locked there for at least a week. The user may extend the wait time to longer than 1 week if they choose, but once deposited, the user can be sure their ether is lock...
Hello everyone! We're just a week and a half away from the planned 1.31 release, and it's time to start assembling the 1.32 Release Team! 🎉 Thank you all, especially the 1.31 Release Team shadows, for your hard work over the past few mon...
each in a different process that runs the code asynchronously. The first component is theself-play. It is responsible for the data generation. The second component is thetraining, where freshly generated data by the self-play component is used to improve the current best ...
The Solar-Sinter was completed in mid-May and later that month I took this experimental machine to the Sahara desert near Siwa, Egypt, for a two week testing period. The machine and the results of these first experiments presented here represent the initial significant steps towards what I ...
Once it’s downloaded scan by placing the square over the QR code above. Follow the instructions to submit your payment via Suncash, Debit, or Credit (Visa and Mastercard accepted), or Suncash. Pay You can register for a Suncash account by clicking the button below. Register for a ...
Heat Signature will be out on Steam21st of September 2017! At time of writing, that’s Thursday of next week. It’s for Windows PCs, other platforms will depend on how this one goes. We don’t do pre-order bonuses because I don’t want to pressure you to buy before reviews are out...
"Resolutions" are the nucleotides denoted by a code letter. "Complement" indicates the code for the complementary nucleotide(s). For example, the code Y denotes either C or T, and its complement R denotes A or G, A being complementary to T, and G being complementary to C. ...
När du har installerat WordPress är det dags att bekanta dig med systemet. Det gör du genom att gå igenom alternativen i vänsterfältet. Du kan dock fortfarande behöva vägledning om hur du använder varje objekt som du ser i WordPress instrumentpanel. ...
There is no need, early on, to develop a deployment or code architecture that will scale to support tens of millions of users and/or a development team of dozens. It will slow your progress to a crawl and make it a lot less likely that you reach break-even before your business starts...