Sifu has launched the final content update to the hit third-person Kung Fu combat brawler developed by Sloclap. Players can now access more challenges, new locations, and even more content to get lost in with the Arenas Mode for Sifu. Sifu players can fight through six dynamic Arenas levels...
To make this fight much, much easier — stand back and wait for her to come to you. You can wait and see what combo she’s about to use, then dodge appropriately when she reaches you. This makes predicting her attacks very easy. If she uses analternating high / lowcombo, you’ll k...
Sifuputs the player in control of a young Kung Fu student who seeks to avenge the death of his family at the hands of an exiled group of assassins. You begin as a bright-eyed 20-year-old, and you must fight your way through waves of enemies using nought more than your fists and fee...
They do not just hang around and wait their turn – they will leap in with Superman punches, attempt to surround you, toss bottles from across the room, leap over bar counters and smash you with an axe kick, and just generally put up a very tough fight across all the levels. Sloclap...
Basically, you're looking to complete each level at the youngest possible age. That way, you've essentially got more 'lives' for when you hit a particularly tough fight. If you're anything like us, perfecting a level quickly becomes an obsession. You can also unlock a wide range of new...
Loyal Friend and Student to Sifu Justin Och, Garret Brumfield carries the lineage, legacy, and hope to another generation of students. Sifu Justin Och couldn’t be more proud of this amazing man, and what it means for the future. His next task is to fully understand how to fight with ...
Sifu’s levels, how they’re laid out, where enemies are located and how each level flows are engrained in my muscle memory at this point. They’re in my headspace somewhere between playing Guitar Hero on expert difficulty and the Orphan of Kos fight from Bloodborne. But that’s because ...
He insisted that what differentiated him from many other Wing Chun instructors was his ability to fight at long range, as well as use his body structure. THE KUNG FU GENIUSDon’t Act Like a Half-Bucket (Even if You Are One): Part 1By Alex RichterSifu Richter discusses his observations ...
Moves such as sweeps and push backs are particularly effective with crowds, as they temporarily take enemies out of the fight to reduce the numbers you're dealing with. 4. Always perform Takedowns when you can (Image credit: Sloclap) You should always follow the prompt to Takedown an enemy ...
If I could give any advice to new players interested in this game, then I definitely would recommend studying the attack patterns of your enemies before attempting to fight back. While this is a beat em’ up game, you can’t simply approach every fight by button mashing as this is the ...