SIFT-MS is an ideal tool for high- throughput and real-time gas analysis applications. Syft’s SIFT-MS instrumentation is industry proven, providing non-technical operators with laboratory-grade chemical analysis presented in a format that they can understand and act on. This SIFT-MS Technology O...
SIFT-MS relies on known ion-molecule rate coefficients to determine analyte concentrations. Mass-selected negatively charged reagent ions in SIFT-MS extend greatly the range of atmospheric pollutant molecules that can be monitored. The same real time response is available for negatively charged reagent...
SIFT-MS is a revolutionary direct mass spectrometric method for continuous, sensitive, selective, and fast real-time analysis of air down to ppbV and pptV levels, depending on the analyte. The SIFT-MS instrument from Syft Technologies is a unique monitoring apparatus that can measure volatile orga...
[0009] -种利用SIFT/MS鉴定植物油和废弃餐用油的方法,包含如下步骤:[0010] (1)将检测样品装入密封容器中,60~70°C恒溫加热30~80分钟至容器内所有 的气体达到气液平衡的状态后,采用选择离子流动管质谱法(SIFT/M巧测定密封容器顶空 中的挥发性成分和半挥发性成分(Semi-volatile-organic-compound):所述的挥发性...
PHILADELPHIA, March 20, 2023 /PRNewswire/ --Syft Technologiestoday announced the release of its next generation Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS) technology, Syft Tracer™, atPittcon 2023. This innovation of real-time, direct injection mass spectrometry (MS) ...
However, SIFT-MS and PTR-MS results draw attention to the possible importance of the H3O+ ion in initiating the formation of oligomeric ions, a point previously missed in plasma-MS studies.doi:10.1002/ppap.201000123David A. SteeleRobert D. Short...
sift-ms; 气态污染物在线监测预警系统 经营范围: 技术开发、技术推广、技术转让、技术咨询、技术服务、技术培训;计算机系统服务;数据处理;基础软件服务、应用软件服务;技术进出口、代理进出口、货物进出口;销售电子产品、通讯设备、计算机、软件及辅助设备、机械设备、家用电器、化工产品(不含危险化学品及一类易制毒化学...
The use of selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS) and gas chromatographymass spectrometry together with solid phase microextraction (GC-MS-SPME) has been compared in the analysis of volatile compounds during dry fermented sausage processing. Thus, the headspace (HS) of samples of dry...
A SIFT or SIFDT apparatus in which the upstream quadrupole and the downstream quadrupole are housed within a single evacuated chamber with the upstream quadrupole being connected to the downstream quadrupole by a curved flow tube. In a preferred form the interior of the chamber is divided into ...