The article considers the case for viewing forced marriage, a prevalent form of violence suffered by women during the Sierra Leone conflict, as a gender crime. The article begins with a brief examination of the Special Court for Sierra Leone trials, commonly known as the Armed Forces ...
African Development Bank (2011). "Sierra Leone Country Gender Profile." Tunis, Tunisia: African Development Bank Group.AfDB. (2011). Sierra Leone Country Gender Profile (p. 48). Abijan, Coˆte d'Ivoire: Gender and Social Development Division, African Development Bank Group....
"The Special Court for Sierra Leone's Consideration of Gender-based Violence: Contributing to Transitional Justice?" Human Rights Review vol. 10: 73- 98.Vosterveld O., ‗The Special Court for Sierra Leone`s Consideration of Gender-based Violence: Contributing to Transitional Justice?`, in ...
Statistician - Statistics Sierra Leone Contributors to the Sierra Leone Demographic and Health Survey | xxix Millennium Development Goal Indicators Goal 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 2. Achieve universal primary education 3. Promote gender equality and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality 5...
Addressing gender-based violence in the Sierra Leone conflict: Notes from the field. African Journal on Conflict Resolution. Special Issue on Gender and Transitional Justice, 9(2), 69-90.Lotta Teale, Addressing gender-based violence in the Sierra Leone conflict: Notes from the field, African ...
These laws were central to the RUF's attempts to manage organisational control and cohesion. This calls for revisiting and revising the 'rape as a weapon of war' framework if it is to have explanatory power for the causes and mechanisms of gender violence in war....
Engagement with gender tends to focus on potential differential impacts for men and women, and it also flags the need for more detailed empirical research of specific land deals. This paper draws from ethnographic data collected in Northern Sierra Leone to support the claim that the impacts of ...
Engaging Men and Boys to End Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Sierra Leone: A Stakeholder Mapping Report, June 2014 Increasingly, engaging with men and boys has emerged as a vital strategy adopted by non-governmental organisations, national governments, women's organisations, and international age...
Whereas gender and location are verifiable, the choice of whether an individual is an international policy actor or a national policy actor must be inferred from their official role during the crisis period. Sometimes this can be based on the identity of their home institution. Given DFID's ...
The gender division of labor in rice post- harvest processing in Sierra Leone: Implications for extension and technology development, The Journal of Agriculture Education and extension, 8 (4), 181-194.Kroma, M. M. (2002). The gender division of labor in rice post-harvest processing in ...