(redirected fromSierra Leone/History) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Sierra Leone Si·er·ra Le·one (sē-ĕr′ə lē-ōn′, -ō′nē) A country of western Africa on the Atlantic coast. Inhabited by the Temne when the Portuguese first visited the coast in 1460, the region was later settled by...
The History of the Sierra Leone Civil War The Sierra Leone Civil War: Peace and Results of the Conflict Lesson Summary Frequently Asked Questions How has the civil war affected Sierra Leone? The Sierra Leone Civil War resulted in widespread destruction of infrastructures and property, It also le...
a1999年,塞拉里昂(Sierra Leone)陷入全面内战,战况惨烈无比。战乱中,一直以从事钻石换军火肮脏交易为生的Danny(莱昂纳多•迪卡比奥饰)因走私入狱,在狱中他却得知黑奴Solomon(德蒙•杭苏饰)早前在钻石矿做苦力的时候发现一块蕴藏极品粉红钻石的原矿石,于是他借故接近Solomon,想从他口中套出钻石的下落。Solomon其实...
Sierra Leone recently marked the tenth anniversary of the end of its eleven-year civil war, an important milestone in its post-conflict history. The war, which erupted in early 1991 and was officially declared over in 2002, was characterized by episodes of intense fighting alongside periods of ...
Although most of the population is engaged in subsistence agriculture, Sierra Leone is also a mining centre. Its land yields diamonds,gold,bauxite, andrutile(titanium dioxide). Internal conflict crippled the country from the late 1980s onward, culminating in a brutal civil war that took place fro...
Sierra Leone - Politics, Economy, Society: The constitution of 1971 made Sierra Leone a republic within the Commonwealth. Adoption of the constitution of 1978 created a one-party republic based on the All People’s Congress; the head of state, or executi
Passage 3The Sierra Leone(塞拉利昂) civil war in 1990 was financed(资助) by the trade in illegal (非法的) stones. The beautiful but bloody stones are also known as “blood diamonds”.Although the diamonds come from Sierra Leone and Liberia(利比亚), people in the twocountries never get rich...
including a civil war and the Ebola epidemic, Sierra Leone has emerged as a beacon of hope and progress in the region. This detailed information text provides insight into Sierra Leone’s geography, history, culture, economy, and tourism, offering a comprehensive understanding of this captivating ...
Sierra Leone Civil WarECOWASSierra Leone MilitaryECOWAS HistoryPostwar Sierra LeoneThe wars in Sierra Leone and other West African countries in the 1990s spectacularly exposed the limits of national security based on inherited colonial borders, and political considerations that regional integration could be...
civil war that raged throughout the 1990s. Now that the war is over, there is once again renewed cause for optimism about the country's future, as Sierra Leone becomes an active participant in African and world affairs. This new edition is based primarily on recent research on the country...