“With the SOMATOM Definition Flash, we can routinely scan patients with high and irregular heart rates without the need to prepare the patient, due to dual source technology's native temporal resolution of 75 msec which allows many options for motion-free image capture.” Brian B. Ghoshhajra...
江西省首台SIEMENS SOMATOM DEfinition FLash双源CT机在南大二附院启用 西门子SOMATOM DEfinition FLash双源CT机,简称炫速双源CT机,是第二代双源CT,也是目前全球是最尖端、最先进的大型医疗设备。 南大二附院今年6月13日装机,6月25日正式将该设...
SIEMENS SOMATOM Definition Flash
内容提示: 1SOMATOM Definition FlashCT 2005: SOMATOM Definition CT-CT2X/2CT: ƒ400CT1 50,0001 60 DSCT1 5564CT1 6CT1 0Seconds1 28CTCT-CT320 CTbreath hold lineCT“”?CT?CT-SOMATOM Definition FlashCTDSCT Flash SpiralCTCTFlash spiral pitch 3.243 cm/secCTSOMATOM Definition FlashSelective Photon...
SOMATOMDefinitionFlash-Siemens 系统标签: somatomdefinitionflashsiemensdosespiral SOMATOMDefinitionFlash EnvironmentalProductDeclaration Answersforlife. ReductionofLead Theuseofleadforbalancingweighthasbeencompletely eliminated.Leadisnowusedonlywhennecessarytoprotect patientsfromunnecessaryradiation.Andtheamountoflead required...
Siemens Somatom Sensation, Definition, and Definition FlashThis chapter describes the scan acquisition and image reconstruction of cardiac CT data sets on Siemens scanners.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-41883-9_10H.-C. BeckerC. KlessenK. AndersSpringer Berlin Heidelberg...
Get two steps ahead in clinical excellence, workflow performance, and expert leadership with our Dual Source CT scanner SOMATOM Force. Find out more!
What's more, the Somatom Definition Flash oper- ates with a dramatically reduced dose of radiation. For example, a heart scan can be performed with less than one millisievert (mSv), while the average effective dose required for this pur- pose is usually as high as 30 mSv. Molecular ...
Source: SOMATOM®Definition Flash General Requirements Minimum Software Version (one of the following) syngoCT VC30A for Perspective and Scope syngoCT VA48A for Definition AS, Definition Edge and Definition Flash Other Please Note: Additional technical pre-requisites may apply. Upon receiving your re...
When it comes to overall leadership in computed tomography, the SOMATOM Definition Flash is the undisputed and renowned gold standard. In addition Siemens launched the Stellar Detector at RSNA 2011, introducing the next generation detector technology – after gas and solid state detectors – with the...