Siemens SITOP POWER 24 V 40 A 数据手册说明书 Data sheet6EP1437-2BA10 SITOP POWER 24 V/40 A SITOP POWER 40 STABILIZED POWER SUPPLY INPUT: 400-500 6EP1437-2BA10Changes preserved Page 1/324.05.2016© Copyright Siemens AG
The comprehensive SITOP power supply portfolio offers controlled 24 V DC power supplies for a wide range of industrial applications and requirements.
the PLC network. The startup and power reserves of the SITOP power supply units meet the requirements of the respective controllers. In addition, the mounting options of both components are the same. All of this ensures that controller and power supply or peripherals are perfectly matched. In ...
Siemens西门子工业SITOPmodular24V20A,40ASITOPmodular24V20A,40A使用手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 DEUTSCH ENGLISH ESPAÑOL (ESPAÑA) 简体中文 SITOP modular Beschreibung Description Descripción 描述 6EP1436-3BA00 24V/20A Die SITOP-Stromversorgungen sind Einbaugeräte, SITOP power supplies ...
Data sheet6EP1437-3BA10 SITOP PSU8200 24 V/40 A SITOP PSU8200 24 V/40 A Stabilized power supply Input: 400-500 V 3 AC Output: 2 4 V DC/40 A Phased-out product Successor:6EP3437-8SB00-0AY0 6EP1437-3BA10Subject to change without notice Page 1/404/15/2020© Copyright ...
将SITOP power 用作蓄电池充电单元的总体注意事项 在将SITOP 作为电池充电单元使用时,必须遵守 VDE 0510 或相关的国家法规,并在电池位置提供充分通风。SITOP 电源被设计成安装于内部,因此必须将它安装在适当的外壳内以确保防止电击危险。 充电结束时的电压应根据电池温度按电池生产商建议的数值设定。铅酸蓄电池的理想...
The 24 V DC power supply units from the SITOP range are optimized for industrial use and operate on the switched-mode principle. Due to the precisely regulated output voltage, the devices are even suitable for the connection of sensitive sensors. Different versions are available depending on the...
Vista de aparatos 图 1: 设备外观 Figure 1: Vue des appareils Figura 1: Vista degli apparecchi Рисунок 1: Внешнийвидустройств Resim 1: Cihazlar görünümü DEUTSCH Beschreibung Die SITOP Stromversorgungen sind Einbaugeräte, Schutzart IP20, Schutzklasse I. ...
zitopPower supplies SITOP power LOGOPowerSITOP Power supplies Catalog KT 10.1 2004 Catalog KT 10.1 2004Related catalogsS
原装正品6EP1337-3BA00西门子SITOP稳压电源 AC120-230V 上海鹭弘机电设备有限公司10年 回头率:18.1% 上海市嘉定区 ¥649.60 A069*SIEMENS西门子SITOP稳压开关电源POWER20 1P 6EP1436-1SL11 泉州淼成海机电设备有限公司1年 福建 泉州市 ¥910.00