as well as connection to the shopfloor. The SCALANCE X-300 managed product line combines extensive firmware functionalities with the compact design of SCALANCE X-200. This means the SCALANCE X-300 switches have extended management functions and an extended functionality compared to the SCALANCE X-20...
Try the newest Firmware (V6.2) There is a new option available: Bidirectional Rule. Attachment Scalance_V6_2.png (642 Downloads) Best Regards,Kirschiaub08Please rate my answers if it was helpful 😊 Suggestion To thank Quote Answer 5/4/2020 9:04 AM Rate (0) Miguel-Angel...
SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Web Based Management (WBM) 配置手册, 03/2021, C79000-G8952-C248-15 11 目录 6.8.6 IP ACL606 Rules Conigurtion606 协议组态608 入站规则609 出站规则612 6.8.7 管理 ACL ...615 6.8.8 暴力破解预防618 7 故障排除/FAQ ...623 7.1 固件更新 - 通过 WBM ...623 ...
SCALANCE S615 说明 可用功能包括: • 重启/恢复出厂默认设置(Restart/Restore Factory Defaults) 禁用时,SET 按钮不能用于重启或恢复出厂默认设置。 小心启动期间,按钮功能“重启/恢复出厂默认设置”(Restart/Restore Factory Defaults) 处 于激活状态如果在组态中禁用此功能,则仅将在运行期间禁用。重启(例如断电后重...