Please can someone tell me what I am doing wrong. I am having trouble getting a current output.I am attempting to make a general 4-20mA test rig with a logo and the Analog output module.The sheet that comes with the module suggests <5K across the outpu
在淘宝,您不仅能发现原装供应Siemens 12/24RCE 6ED1052-1MD00-OBA7 6ED1 052-1MD00-O的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于原装供应Siemens 12/24RCE 6ED1052-1MD00-OBA7 6ED1 052-1MD00-O的信息,请来
在淘宝,您不仅能发现SIEMENS西门子6ED1 052-1MD00-0BA5的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于SIEMENS西门子6ED1 052-1MD00-0BA5的信息,请来淘宝深入了解吧!
My 0BA6 (6ED1052-1MD00-0BA6) has no terminal names on the housing. [snip] Is X50 the program port or SD port? A 0BA6 has no SD slot, only a slot for the programming cable (or memory/battery module). If it is a 0BA8 LOGO! then is X50 the SD slot and X70 (on the ...
全新原装现货 西门子LOGO基本型主机处理器6ED1052-1MD00-0BA6 上海奈恩自动化科技有限公司8年 回头率:15% 上海市 ¥4100.00 西门子S7-300CPU 313C主机6ES7313-5BG04-0AB0/6ES73135BG040AB0 安徽脉利晟自动化科技有限公司1年 回头率:17.8% 安徽 合肥市包河区 ...