SIEMENS西门子 SINAMICS G120X 变频器操作说明 EN.pdf,Operating instructions SINAMICS SINAMICS G120X Infrastructure converter for HVAC/water/wastewater Edition 06/2021 /drives Fundamental safety 1 instructions Description 2 SINAMICS Mounting 3 Wiring 4 SINA
SIEMENS西门子SINAMICS G120XA PN Converter操作手册.pdf,外形尺寸 钻孔尺寸(mm) 固定方式Fixings 紧固扭矩(Nm) 宏设置Macro settings (p0015) BOP 菜单结构BOP menu structure s Frame size Drilling dimensions (mm) Tightening torque (Nm) 端子Terminal 41 42 43 44 45
Siemens SINAMICS G120 S120 电机驱动器操作手册说明书
Freely parameterizable Internal PTC thermistor input 90, 91 PTC thermistor for disconnection (ATEX-certified) Internal PTC thermistor input 92, 93 PTC thermistor for warning Internal digital output 43, 44, 45 Relay 5: "Motor temperature trip" Internal digital output 46, 47 Relay 6: "Automatic...
active. This ensures that the system is always switched to a safe state if a component fails or in the event of cable breakage. If a fault is discovered in the switch-off signal paths, the STO or SS1 function (depending on parameter settings) is activated and a system restart inhibited....
In the third quarter of fiscal 2013, Siemens made progress in strengthening its core business activities. Orders rose considerably on a major contract win. Total Sectors Profit declined due to charges related to the implementation of the Siemens 2014 program. Revenue declined slightly owing to a ...
Siemens Mobility and everis to develop a Mobility as a Service (MaaS) platform for Renfe in Spain A countrywide platform that allows users to plan, book and pay for trips in a single application Integrates different modes of transport to provide seamless door-to-door traveling ...
7)“电机正转参数组 1/2/3”(Motor CW parameter set1/2/3):电机起动(沿线相位方向旋转),并以相应参数组中存储的值停止。 所属分类:中国电工电气网 / PLC 我们的产品目录 罗克韦尔 S120 S200 变频器 低压断路器 高低惯量电机 V90伺服驱动器 操作面板 R45接头 DP接头 电缆线 存储卡 电源模块 G120PXA变频...
3. 在“调节”(Tuning)组中单击图标 “将参数发送到 CPU”(Send parameter to CPU)。 4. 在“当前值”(Currentvalues) 组中选中“更改设定值”(Change setpoint) 复选框。 5. 输入新设定值并在“当前值”(Currentvalues) 组中单击 图标。 6. 清除“手动模式”(Manual mode) 复选框。 此时控制器使用新 ...
control 26 4.3 Connecting the inverter to the fieldbus 28 4.4 Frequently required parameters 30 5 More information 33 5.1 Overview of the manuals 33 5.2 Technical support34 This manual describes how you install the CU240B-2 or CU240E-2 Control Unit of the SINAMICS G120 inverter and commission...