诗人简介:西格夫里·萨松(Siegfried Sassoon)英国著名反战诗人,作家,生于1886年9月8日,卒于1967年9月1日,他出生于英国贵族家庭,参加了第一次世界大战,骁勇善战,战功卓著,由于目睹、经历了战争的残暴和给人类带来的巨大伤害,战后毅然成为反战斗士。萨松的名作有反战诗《老猎人》、《反攻》及小说体自传三部曲《乔...
Counter-Attack and Other Poems by Siegfried SassoonWilliam Shakespeare
西格弗里德·萨松(SiegfriedSassoon)的双重视觉 本文档格式为WORD,感谢你的阅读。 摘要:对于战争的记忆成了萨松生命的一部分,战 争的残酷场景已植根于他的心灵深处,他的回忆,选择, 表达都直接来自于此。萨松的特别之处就是他的战时经历, 他利用了二分法,经过提炼,成了战争超级回忆的纤维。
Counter-attack, and other poems, by Siegfried SassoonAUTHOR: Sassoon, Siegfried, 1886–1967. TITLE: Counter-attack, and other poems, by Siegfried Sassoon. PUBLISHED: New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1918. PHYSICAL DETAILS: 64 p. 20 cm. ISBN: 1-58734-053-4. CITATION: Sassoon, Siegfrie...
西格弗里德·萨松(SiegfriedSassoon)的双重视觉 摘要:对于战争的记忆成了萨松生命的一部分,战争的残酷场景已植根于他的心灵深处,他的回忆,选择,表达都直接来自于此。萨松的特别之处就是他的战时经历,他利用了二分法,经过提炼,成了战争超级回忆的纤维。 关键词:弹震症创伤二分法回忆战争 《重生》是当代英国女作家帕特...
03Siegfried Sassoon 04A Reading of His War Poem 'Died of Wounds' In 1956 (Writers & Poets) 05A Reading of His War Poem 'Attack' In 1956 (Writers & Poets) 06To One Who Was With Me In The War 07Vigils (Pt 9) 08The Hardened Heart ...
Attack’ by Siegfried Sassoon is an eye-opening poem about the harsh reality of war and what it feels like to be a soldier. At dawn the ridge emerges massed and dun In the wild purple of the glow'ring sun, Smouldering through spouts of drifting smoke that shroud ...
the oldest Welsh Infantry Unit. Sassoon died in Wiltshire in 1967. Before the end of the war he had published a volume of anti-war poems, called Counter Attack (1918). Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (1930), records his personal protest against the war. This became the second volume in ...
Who cheer when soldier lads march by,Sneak home and pray you'll never knowThe hell where youth and laughter go.” — Siegfried Sassoon "Suicide in the Trenches" The Counter-Attack and Other Poems (1918) 0Siegfried Sassoon Quotes about death...
The meteoric success brought by his collections The Old Huntsman (1917) and Counter-attack (1918) was stoked by controversy. Back in England, recovering from wounds, Sassoon declined to obey further orders, issued a pacifist statement, and was eventually removed by the authorities to a mental ...