You should arrive at the testing center 15-30 minutes before your exam is scheduled to begin. Arriving late will result in your exam being canceled. Once you arrive, you will be asked to show a valid, government-issued photo ID. If your ID is invalid or you forget to bring it, you w...
Pass Promise courses guarantee you will pass your exam the first time. And if you don’t, you’ll get a full refund, or you can keep access to all the materials and resources — for free — until you do. Learn More Promise Guarantee 75% Pass at least 3 practice final exams with a...
Take the Financial Securities exam with confidence Try our test prep resources risk-free today and achieve the test score you want Start your Financial Securities prep
Specifically, we provide you with the following resources: * 6 efficient test modes; * Subject classification based on the exam syllabus; * Over 1,600 high-quality questions with answer explanations; * Performance tracking and analysis system; ...
Passing the FINRA Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) Exam is the first step to entering the securities industry and serves as the corequisite to qualification licensing exams (e.g., Series 6, 7, 79). To sit for the SIE Exam, you are not required to be associated with a member firm....
Specifically, we provide you with the following resources: * 6 efficient test modes; * Subject classification based on the exam syllabus; * Over 1,600 high-quality questions with answer explanations; * Performance tracking and analysis system; ...
Our experts have carefully studied previous exam content and the latest exam requirements, and have expertly categorized all subjects on the exam so you can practice more specifically for your situation. Specifically, we provide you with the following resources: * 6 efficient test modes; * Subject...
Specifically, we provide you with the following resources: * 6 efficient test modes; * Subject classification based on the exam syllabus; * Over 1,600 high-quality questions with answer explanations; * Performance tracking and analysis system; ...
Specifically, we provide you with the following resources: * 6 efficient test modes; * Subject classification based on the exam syllabus; * Over 1,600 high-quality questions with answer explanations; * Performance tracking and analysis system; ...
If you want to be registered to work in a securities business, you must pass the SIE and the appropriate qualification exam for the type of securities work you'll be doing. If you already took one of the old exams and your license lapsed—assuming two years have passed since you were la...