Gäststuga i centrala Ystad坐落于斯塔德,提供烧烤设施,距离于斯塔德码头(Ystad Marina)有8分钟步行路程,距离里尔斯科格海滩(Lilleskog Beach)有2.5公里,距离托梅利亚高尔夫俱乐部有18公里。这家住宿的客人可以使用庭院、免费私人停车位和免费WiFi。... 显示更多 ...
Gäststuga i centrala Ystad坐落于斯塔德,提供烧烤设施,距离于斯塔德码头(Ystad Marina)有8分钟步行路程,距离里尔斯科格海滩(Lilleskog Beach)有2.5公里,距离托梅利亚高尔夫俱乐部有18公里。这家住宿的客人可以使用庭院、免费私人停车位和免费WiFi。... 显示更多 ...
渡轮运载可乘9人的汽车费用是270丹麦克朗。其他航线有:从腓特列港到歌德堡(Gothenburg)和奥斯陆,从伦讷到于斯塔德(Ystad)。 丹麦到波兰的交通指南 渡船从哥本哈根(395丹麦克朗起,10小时)和伦讷(225丹麦克朗,5--12;小时)发往波兰的希维诺乌伊希切(Swinoujscie)。 丹麦到德国交通指南 公共汽车和火车:有三条铁路线...
Bacteremic pneumococcal CAP patients display an increased inflammatory response compared to non-bacteremic pneumococcal CAP patients.doi:10.3390/jcm12123924Floeystad, Hans KristianHolter, Jan CatoHusebye, EinarSiljan, William WardBerild, DagHolm, Are MartinHeggelund, LarsJournal of Clinical M...
Peri- and postoperative outcome variables regarding voiding efficiency and morbidity from 20 OPE at Skne University Hospital (SUS) and from the first 34 TUEP performed at SUS and Ystad Hospital were retrospectively assembled. Follow-up data from the first 6 postoperative months were co...
Reviews the book `Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen, Volume 7,' edited by Bojrn Hemmer and Vigdis Ystad. Collection of papers presented at the Sixth International Seminar on Ibsen, held at Yale in 1989; Ibsen's work in performance; Topics of...
It is noteworthy that editor Wishart was assisted by three regional editors who supervised the inflow of information emanating from three distinct areas: the southern plains (Pamela H. Brink; Lubbock, TX), the northern plains (Nancy Tystad Koupal; Pierre, SD), and the Canadian Prairie Provinc...
Three popular television series from different linguistic regions of Europe were analysed, each of which has led to substantial tourist numbers: Inspector Morse (Oxford) , Wallander (Ystad) and Baantjer (Amsterdam). The results show that t...
Schweingruber, F.H, Eggertsson, O. (Eds.), Tree Rings and Environment: Proceedings of the International Symposium, Ystad, South Sweden, 3-9 September, 1990. Lund University, Department of Quaternary Geology. Lundqua Report...
dihedral angleinternuclear distancessymmetry classspectroscopyElement system: Cl-P-S.doi:10.1016/j.jalz.2006.05.2226Anderlik, AndreaYstad, MartinBergmann, ?rjanLundervold, Astri J.Geitung, Jonn-TerjeReinvang, IvarLundervold, ArvidElsevierAlzheime...