go as/so far as to do sth/as that, etc be willing to go to extreme limits in dealing with sth 处理某事物时愿走极端; 甚至做到某地步: I won't go so far as to say that he is dishonest, ie I won't actually accuse him of dishonesty, even though I might suspect him of it. 我还...
City: Startup hubs are tight communities comprised of clusters of universities, established technology companies, entrepreneurs, angels and venture capitalists. Decide what city is right for you based on personal preferences and culture because once people choose a startup community, they tend to stay...
@megancarpentier THAT’S BECAUSE FOX NEWS VIEWERS THINK ALGORITHM MUST BE SOME KIND OF GLOBAL WARMING HOAX PERPETRATED BY HOMOSEXUALS OCT 102010 RT @megancarpentier: On 60 Min… RT @megancarpentier: On 60 Minutes, they just defined “algorithm,” proving Neil Cavuto right for admonishing me on...