All in all, there are many uses for SideQuest, and it all comes together in anice intuitive interface. While not all operating systems follow the same installation steps precisely, these are always a one-time process. Not only is the program an alternate Oculus Store, but it also allows you...
Additionally, similar to the officialOculus - Meta Quest, SideQuest also lets usersconfigure their VR headsetsfrom the app itself. Installation is done with APK and OBB files, and their entire library can be managed using thedesktop clientfor cross-platform compatibility and a more seamless experien...
SideQuest是一个第三方平台,如果以手游平台类比的话,相当于早期的91手机助手、360应用商店等。SideQuest专门面向Oculus Quest和Oculus GO硬件,没有严格的审核制度,因此许多被Oculus Quest平台拒绝的开发者将应用上传到这个平台,也有开发者会在这个平台先尝试上线自己的应用,以测试用户反馈。近400款游戏,单款最高下载...
In early 2019 Oculus broke the news that their flagship standalone headset the Oculus Quest would have a highly curated store. Unlike their stores for the Rift and Go, developers would now need to submit a pitch for consideration with no guarantees of approval. ...
Facebook Reality Labs的产品经理珂洛拉玛·多维利亚思(Clorama Dorvilias)日前在一个官方视频中指出,Oculus已经开发者页面增加了一个全新的“Roadmap路线图”,并用于说明即将到来的开发功能。在预览路线图时,她表示公司预计在2021年Q1季度推出“全新的Quest分发渠道”。Facebook早前预计所述功能有望在“2021年初”...
Problem I see is alot of advercity signs around the world waiting for real world advertisements, we all hate being advertised at and it's not something any of us should support in content we pay for, if the devs would like to inform us the final release on oculus and steam will be ...
Automatic download of songe-converter for your platform - win/mac/linux. Setup instructions for enabling developer mode on your device. AppStarter based app launcher in both Oculus Home and Oculus TV for launching and using 2D apps Drag and drop support for installing arbitrary apk/obb files. ...
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SideQuest是Oculus Quest头显的一个非官方应用商店。它为开发者提供了一个无需经过Facebook批准的应用分发途径。据悉,项目背后的团队已经完成了65万美元的种子融资,投资者包括Oculus创始人帕尔默·拉奇。尽管帕尔默拉奇在2017年被Facebook赶出Oculus,并且自那以后便投身于国防领域,但他依然续密切关注VR领域,并支持符合...
Looking for some Physics fueled fun with friends? Get it!Trailer