The meaning of SIDENOTE is a note of reference that is set in the side margin or a page usually in smaller type than the text.
For common users, use Sidenote Auto-Adjust Module.css alongside with Sidenote in Tufte-style using SAAM.css and/or Stickynote in Callout-style using SAAM.css, which are two common styles of sidenotes that I'll explain in the following. Tufte-style Sidenotes The style itself is inpired by ...
For common users, use Sidenote Auto-Adjust Module.css alongside with Sidenote in Tufte-style using SAAM.css and/or Stickynote in Callout-style using SAAM.css, which are two common styles of sidenotes that I'll explain in the following. Tufte-style Sidenotes The style itself is inpired by ...
As a side note… Travel Lifestyle Brussels Love Montreal: An ode to street art Travel by angelapaulyMay 26, 2017 Uncategorized by angelapaulyApril 26, 2017 "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them" Maya Angelou Brussels ...