side view- a view from the side of something panorama,vista,view,aspect,scene,prospect- the visual percept of a region; "the most desirable feature of the park are the beautiful views" profile- an outline of something (especially a human face as seen from one side) ...
Face recognition using occluded face, profile view face images are still an issue in human recognition for various practical applications. In real-life circumstances where the environment is not predicted where have to dealing with pose variations like up down or side- view positions are a ...
View in context "Makin' dates outside, eh?" his brother-in-law sneered. View in context Hitherto she had been looked upon more as a ward of the Harlings than as one of the `hired girls.' She had lived in their house and yard and garden; her thoughts never seemed to stray outside...
Side view of open human skull Closeup of a blue human eye with birds reflected on the retina Beautiful Piano Melody...Close up view of female hands playing on piano her favorite classical music Human eye Side view of a little model
A 3D facial model of a specific person is obtained from just the front and side view images without any human operation. The method has two parts; feature extraction and generic model modification. In the feature extraction part, the regions or edges which express the facial features such as ...
anglefacetviewstandpointaspectsurfaceslantpointfacephasepositionofviewpoint n.边缘,边界,侧面 rimbrimskirttopmarginflankleftborderrightbrinkedgebottombackvergefringe n.部分,区域 precinctsectionneighborhooddivisionquarterpart n.队,班,派别,小团体 stringgroupsplinterwingsquadteaminterestcombatantcampfactioncompetitionparty...
side view of an object物体的侧面 side window边窗 用作动词 (v.) ~+介词 side against反对… side with支持… 词组短语 on the side另外;作为兼职 on the other side另一方面 other side另一面,对方 one side一方 side by side并肩;一起;并排 ...
ViewAlbuminexinformation in detail. Alburx(Albumin (Human)) - CSL Behring AG Formulation typeStrength Single-Dose Vial12.5 g/250 mL Single-Dose Vial12.5 g/50 mL Single-Dose Vial25 g/100mL Single-Dose Vial25 g/500 mL ViewAlburxinformation in detail. ...
Drew Barrymore really makes this movie what it is as the dizzy (blonde of course) Holly, with her fresh and upbeat view on life. The faces which Barrymore pulls to dramatize her part will keep you laughing (e.g whilst on the Greyhound bus, whilst in labor). Moreover, this film shows...
Enter medications to view a detailed interaction report using ourDrug Interaction Checker. Drug name Add a drug to check interactionsAdd Storage Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat and out of reach of children. Do not share with others. ...