Using Dumbbells Only Rather Than Cables. This is somewhat of a “bonus” tip, as it’s not necessarily amistaketo perform your side lateral raises with dumbbells, and you’ll still get a great shoulder workout that way. However, if you want tofullymaximize the stimulation of your side del...
Get even more from this exercise bysupersettingit with dumbbell lateral raises. Grab your dumbbells and do lateral raises to failure. Then, without stopping, switch to armpit rows and pump out as many reps as you can. This is a pre-exhaust superset, which involves doing anisolation exercisea...
. He followed presses with lateral raises in his workouts. Other upper body exercises were pretty standard: pulls on the lat machine, one arm dumbell rowing, and a variety of curls and triceps extensions. One difference between Hilligenn’s training in the 1950s and today’s bodybuilding was ...