The meaning of SIDE-EYE is a sidelong glance or gaze especially when expressing scorn, suspicion, disapproval, or veiled curiosity —often used with the. How to use side-eye in a sentence.
The meaning of SIDE-EYE is a sidelong glance or gaze especially when expressing scorn, suspicion, disapproval, or veiled curiosity —often used with the. How to use side-eye in a sentence.
A side eye is a facial expression meantto convey doubt, shock, scorn, or criticism of the person it's aimed at. It's made by looking at someone indirectly, out of the corners of the eyes. What does it mean when a girl gives you the side eye? a look in which you move your eyes...
These methods track and match a person’s head, mouth, and eye movements. Additionally, they can even track body actions and match voice modulation. One would think that high-end softwares and proper coding are needed to accomplish this. However, surprisingly, there are several open-sourced pla...
There was something about the goofy smile on his face and the glean in his eye that was so genuine it was almost painful. He laughed at his own stories of taking Jim’s ATV for a joy ride in the middle of the night only to have Jim come outside half naked and hollering. Adam ...
The premise of Mamoru Hosoda science-fantasy anime film sounds like it would immediately induce an eyeroll: a contemporary take on the classic fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast" set in a virtual reality world. How tired! How unoriginal! But anyone who knows Hosoda's wry brand of magical m...
"I hope people dig it but I honestly hope it never gets released because there are so many expectations about it now. It’s like that Wu Tang Clan album that only whatshisfuck (Martin Shkreli) has a copy of. It’s almost better to just wonder.” ...Then Had a Change of Heart Abo...
is to act like a local. I couldn’t agree more. I’m sure that you can spot out-of-towners a mile away wherever it is you’re from and, unless you have a heart of gold, steer clear in order to avoid dumb questions like “Where do I get onto the interstate?” Eye rolls, ...
44. There may be plenty of fish in the sea, but you’re the only one who caught my eye. 45. Do you come with coffee and cream? Because you are sugar. [Read: The art of complimenting a girl and leaving her blushing] 46. May I get you something? Water? Coffee? My heart? 47...
"The good news is that, six months from now, April Fool’s Day 2023, we’re off the label. There are no plans to immediately release something, and we haven’t talked about it, but I would imagine it’ll probably come very soon afterwards. There’s nothing else to do, and it’s...