RA, GCA, SSc-ILD, PJIA and SJIA – It is recommended that ACTEMRA not be initiated in patients with anabsolute neutrophil count(ANC) below 2000 per mm³,platelet countbelow 100,000 per mm³, or ALT or AST above 1.5 times the upper limit of normal (ULN) [seeWARNINGS AND PREC...
Study of side effects of glucocorticoid treatment in 28 patients with giant cell arteritis (GCA)obesitybody mass indexcoronary heart diseaseincidencemortalitywomenObjective To derive, cross validate, and externally validate a clinical prediction model that assesses the risks of different serious bacterial ...
Common side effects of tocilizumab may include: cold symptomssuch as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat; headache; increased blood pressure; abnormal liver function tests; or pain, swelling, burning, or irritation where an injection was given. ...
Uses Warnings Before taking Dosage Side effects Interactions FAQ What is Tofidence?Tofidence (tocilizumab-bavi) is an interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor blocker that is administered as an intravenous infusion by a healthcare provider and may be used to treat patients who meet certain criteria with ...
Viral reactivation reported; cases ofherpes zosterexacerbation observed in clinical studies; unknown if associated withhepatitisB reactivation; not studied Hepatic injury - RA or GCA Serious cases of hepatic injury with IV or SC therapy; some cases have resulted in liver transplant or death; onset ...
(PT-2385) overcomes the side-effects of sorafenib by suppressing hepatocellular carcinoma invasion via alteration of pSTAT3, pAKT and pERK signals Junjie Xu1,4, Longbo Zheng1,4, Jiang Chen1,4, Yin Sun2, Hui Lin1, Ren-an Jin1, Minyue Tang3, Xiao Liang*,1 and Xiujun Cai*,1 Although...
- To search for side effects of a medicine, just start typing into the text box. - To compare two medicines type two medicine names into the textbox separated with a comma. - On the Symptoms screen , press the symptom you want to find the meaning for. ...
Although sorafenib is currently used as a standard treatment for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, low response rate, transient and limited efficacy, primary and acquired resistance and negative side-effects gain increasing attentions, suggesting the ne
- Very easily email the side effects results to your physician or doctor to communicate and discuss. Tips - To search for side effects of a medicine, just start typing into the text box. - To compare two medicines type two medicine names into the textbox separated with a comma. - On th...
Junmei Zhou3, Lifang Jiang3, Hongli Wang4, Guanghui Hou5* and Zhenyou Jiang1* Abstract Background: Influenza A virus infection due to drug resistance and side effects of the conventional antiviral drugs yet remains a serious public health threat for humans and animals...