Chocolate has a high calorie count in a relatively small serving — about 170 calories per 1-ounce serving of dark chocolate with 70 to 85 percent cacao, according toUSDA. Over time, eating too much chocolate or otherfoods with added sugarscan lead to weight gain, diabetes, obesity, heart d...
As most of the corn used to make maltodextrin is genetically modified, you may wish to steer clear of it if you’re opposed to eating GMO foods. Bad gut bacteria Maltodextrin may affect the balance of gut bacteria, increasing the amount of so-called “bad” bacteria in the digestive ...
drowsiness, and feeling “not quite right.” They are instructed to eat in order to stop the symptoms. After eating and raising the blood sugar, their emotions return to normal.
Even so called grass fed animals do receive their potion of GMO's, like free run chickens, etc. You name it. From vegetarian to vegan now, I am hungry quite often since foods are becoming increasingly unfit for health .But the good part is that one becomes innovative plus keeping in ...
In addition to milk allergy sufferers,sodium caseinate can affect individuals who are lactose intolerant. Eating foods made with sodium caseinate will often cause these people to experience stomach pains, bloat, diarrhea, and flatulence, depending on the amount of sodium caseinate ingested. Though a...
Making dietary changes:While gluten should be avoided by those with Celiac disease, other foods such as dairy, nuts, and soy, are common allergens that can trigger allergic reactions and exacerbate the immune systems. Avoid or limit the consumption of these foods. On the other hand,eatin...
After the 16 weeks, the effects were the same as the olive oil group. Oxford Brookes University (UK) published a study in 2017 where they experimented with people eating 205 calories per day of either MCT, vegetable, or coconut oil. It was found that the MCT offered significantly better sa...
, can still lead to significant side effects that impact quality of life. Additionally, these treatments do not eliminate the risk of cancer recurrence or resistance. This highlights the urgent need for therapies that can effectively target and destroy cancer cells while minimizing adverse effect...
Side Effects 1. Cacao may hamper sleep. Since cacao contains caffeine, eating too much of it may cause caffeine-related adverse effects, such rapid heartbeat, restlessness, difficulty sleeping. 2. Cacao can cause IBS like symptoms. Cacao may cause GI disturbances such as constipation, nausea, ...
“Previous research has shown that intermittent fasting or intermittent calorie restriction — by way of eating fewer calories for a few days a month — reduces inflammation, we found through our study that this effect is mediated, in part, on a molecular level when SIRT3 blocks the activity ...