朗文国际英语教程Side by Side是一套专为青少年设计的初级到中高级英语学习教材,包括四本学生用书(一至四册)以及配套丰富的学习资料:Activity Workbook(练习册)、Teacher's Guide(教师用书)、Communication Games Book(游戏手册)、Audio Program(听力教材)、Video Program(可视教)和Picture Program...
side by side教师用书电子版.pdf,side by side 教师用书电子版 《朗文国际英语教程》(Side by Side) 是一套面向青少年学生的初级至中高 级英语教材。这套教材包括一至四册的学生用书以及配套的练习册(Activity Workbook) 、教师用书(Teachers Guide) 、游戏手册(Communicati
《朗文国际英语教程》(Side by Side)是一套面向青少年学生的初级至中高级英语教材。 这套教材包括一至四册的学生用书以及配套的练习册(Activity Workbook)、教师用书 (Teacher's Guide)、游戏手册(Communication Games Book)、听力教材(Audio Program)、 可视教(Video Program)、图片册(Picture Program)和,测验题集(...
《朗文国际英语教程》(Side by Side)是一套面向青少年学生的初级至中高级英语教材。这套教材包括一至四册的学生用书以及配套的练习册(Activity Workbook)、教师用书(Teacher's Guide)、游戏手册(Communication Games Book)、听力教材(Audio Program)、可视教(Video Program)、图片册(Picture Program)和,测验题集(Testin...
《朗文国际英语教程》(Side by Side)是一套面向青少年学生的初级至中高级英语教材。这套教材包括一至四册的学生用书以及配套的练习册(Activity Workbook)、教师用书(Teacher's Guide)、游戏手册(Communication Games Book)、听力教材(Audio Program)、可视教(Video Program)、图片册(Picture Progra......
Set aside time for revision and practice exercises from the workbook to reinforce your understanding. In conclusion, Side by Side is a comprehensive and effective English learning series that caters to the needs of learners of all levels. Its unique approach, range of topics, and practical focus...
Side by Side Activity Workbook 1 (平装) 作者:Steven J. Molinsky 出版社:Pearson Education Limited 出版年:1999年7月14日 定价:75.00元 ISBN:9780138116965 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
Side by Side, Third Edition, is the new and improved version of this dynamic, all skills program that integrates grammar and functions in a conversational approach all in a light-hearted, fun, and easy-to-use format that has been embraced by students and teachers worldwide. 我来说两句 短评...
Side by Side 1 Student Book/Workbook 1B 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Side by Side, Third Edition, is the new and improved version of this dynamic, all skills program that integrates grammar and functions in a conversational approach all in a light-hearted, fun, and easy-to-use for...