2016朗文国际英语教程(Side by Side)第3册中文翻译.xlsx,n.a c男to演r 员;行动者;作用物 dancer n. 舞蹈家;舞蹈演员;舞女;跳舞者 driver n. 驾驶员;驱动程序;起子;传动器 instructorn. 指导书;教员;指导者 player n. 运动员,比赛者;游戏者,做游戏的人;演奏者
Side by Side Secondary School Edition, Book 3Molinsky, Steven
Side by side 3 Chapter 3 Chapter3 Leo evening6p.m-bedtime傍晚,晚上nightsunset-sunrise Whatdidtheydoyesterdaymorning?Wherearetheythismorning?Wherearetheygoingtobetomorrowmorning?Whatdidhedoyesterdayafternoon?What’shedoingthisafternoon?What’sgoingtohappentomorrowafternoon?Whatdidtheydoyesterdayevening?What’...
Side By Side朗文国际英语教程book.doc,Side By Side朗文国际英语教程book1-01 alphabet A a B b C c D d E e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n O o P p Q q R r S s T t U u V v W w X x Y y Z z 2. numbers0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. name4....
The Side by Side Activity Workbooks offer a variety of exercises for reinforcement, fully coordinated with the student texts. A special feature of the Activity Workbooks is the inclusion of GrammarRaps for practice with rhythm, stress, and intonation and GrammarSongs from the Side by Side TV vide...
《朗文国际英语教程》(Side by Side)是一套面向青少年学生的初级至中高级英语教材。这套教材包括一至四册的学生用书以及配套的练习册(Activity Workbook)、教师用书(Teacher's Guide)、游戏手册(Communication Games Book)、听力教材(Audio Program)、可视教(Video Program)、图片册(Picture Program)和,测验题集(...
Mr. Chen is planting flowers. Mrs. Chen is drinkinglemonadeand reading a book. Emily and Jason Chen are playing with the dog. And Jennifer Chen is sleeping. The Chen family is very happy today. It’s a beautiful day, and they’re at home in the yard. ...
Book 3 Pdf Free 159 http://url.us/hoi7j (Copy & link) *** You can change theview so that two pages are displayed side-by-side, just like a book. . PDF in a two-pagespread like a book. . can be downloadedfor free from . Thon 26"" Head ProtectionCover, Head Protection...
3. Where are you? I’m in the bedroom. What are you doing? I’m playing the guitar. 4. Where are you? We’re in the living room. What are you doing? We’re playing cards. 5. Where are Gary and June? They’re in the yard. What are they doing? They’re playing baseball. ...