Side A Side B: Directed by Sudhish Kamath. With Rahul Rajkhowa, Shivranjani Singh. During a 44 hour long train journey from Guwahati to Mumbai, guitarist Aiban Joel Gogoi and his singer girlfriend Shivi realise they are headed in opposite directions. Sid
Kamath’sSide A Side Bis an innovative movie that brings a new type of filmmaking to the screen, and that is what makes it so good! It is a story told in the present train journey, with flashes of their past and sneak peeks into their future. It was a very imaginative way to presen...
按一般磁带的逻辑,故事是先进行的B面,然后才是A面, 所以先标Side-B,然后才Side-A,会不会更好? 磁带先进行的是B面,符合女主是先和男主在一起的逻辑;后面是A面,也就是后来才与肥仔在一起。电影用倒叙,先讲肥仔的故事,即是SIDE-A,所以我觉得就按电影里的先标side-a 磁带先进行的是B面,符合女主是先和...
Jacob Shamsian
Actress A Side, B Side, Sea Side (2005) Ho-man Lee Actor Huai hai zi ju le bu (1995) Ching-yi Mak Actress Knot to Treasure (1994)MOVIEmeter Members only Become a member to access additional data Try IMDbPro Premium for free Ratings Breakdown 1 external review & 1 more...
Side A VS Side B 本次上海巡演一共看了三场,快过去三周了依然觉得意犹未尽,柴可夫斯基的《天鹅湖》每天都在循环播放。依然觉得演出场景历历在目,虽然回来撸了好几次96和12版的,不得不承认96版从头鹅到王子到母后都是最为经典,但一切都比不上亲眼所观看、所被震撼到的现场。剧情整体也不多赘述了,维基...
B-Movie - The Bowie side of Nothin' at all Edit It looks like we don't have any external reviews for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Learn more about contributing ...
See Side by Side's production, company, and contact information. Explore Side by Side's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
The app takes a path to a side-by-side stereo input video file as a single command-line argument. To run the app in Xcode, select Product > Scheme > Edit Scheme (Command-<), and add the path to your file to Arguments Passed On Launch. To also add spatial metad...
B: You have to tell me the title.A: Why? I’ve got the six shillings and eightpence.B: Come on! Which side do you want?A: I don’t know … I like both of them …B: Ah! Double A side.A: Except His Latest Flame’s my girlfriend’s favourite.B: You’re buying His ...