Mohan Raja’s blatant message movie revolves around conflict between Arivu, a go-getter hailing from slums, and a cunning capitalist. Unlike inThani Oruvan,Mohan Raja largely fails to blend pulpy entertainment with idealistic notions. Rather than telling a truly engaging story, the director often t...
Kannada: ಪಾಮ್ ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ಸ್ Korean: 팜스프링스 Korean: 팜 스프링스 Ladin: Palm Springs Latvian: Palmspringsa Lithuanian: Palm Sringsas Luxembourgish: Palm Springs Macedonian: ПалмСпрингс Malagasy: Palm Springs, Kalifornia Mala...
Grab has created two new brand videos--In onevideowe meet Mr Phan, a 65 year old retiree who has found new meaning in life through his work as a GrabFood delivery partner and in the