doi:10.1177/14034948231208472HammarstrM, AnneBean, ChristopherPingel, RonnieJanlert, UrbanWesterlund, Hugostergren, Per OlofVirtanen, PekkaSAGE PublicationsScandinavian Journal of Public Health
doi:10.56899/151.04.11Mendoza, Rosalie C.Jacildo, Arian J.Madrid, Val Randolf M.Mercado, Rizza D. C.Romano, Arlene D.Cantalejo, Anne Patricia G.Urriza, Lyka Mae C.Daracan, Vivian C.Manalo, Ronniel D.Philippine Journal of Science
THE MAILLetters to the editor are presented in response to the article "It Took a Village" by Louis Menand in the January 5, 2009 issue and "Special Treatment" by Amanda Fortini in the December 1, 2008 issue of the journal.O'Mara, Paul...
ObituariesFeatures Archibald Hanton, a general practitioner at Cambridge. What he did for the Mill Road Hospital; His purpose in visiting various locations worldwide; Associations where he became a member.Hanton, DavidShort, Stephen SBmj British Medical Journal...
Activated sludgeDissolutionSchnoor JL.doi:10.1021/es2016632Woodhouse, BetsyGrahn, HowardBlack, MaryAden, AndyAshktorab, HosseinBrazel, AnthonyBrowningAiken, AnneChatterjee, ArunimaCohen, RonnieGober, PatriciaPubMedEnvironmental Science & Technology