Download Sid Meier's Civilization We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
Since 1991, the award-winning Civilization series of turn-based strategy games has challenged players to build an empire to stand the test of time.
Build something you believe in with Sid Meier's Civilization® VII, launching February 11, 2025. Pre-order now!
Released in 2016, Sid Meier's Civilization VI challenges players to build an empire to stand the test of time as one of history's greatest leaders.
Released in 2016, Sid Meier's Civilization VI challenges players to build an empire to stand the test of time as one of history's greatest leaders.
Build something you believe in with Sid Meier's Civilization® VII, launching February 11, 2025. Pre-order now!
文明6 Mac破解版,Sid Meier’s Civilization VI for Mac版,是一款回合制策略游戏,在游戏中,主要是让玩家尝试建立起一个帝国,并接受时间的考验。玩家将创建及带领自己的文明从石器时代迈向信息时代,并成为世界的领导者。在尝试建立起世界上赫赫有名的伟大文明的过程中,玩家将启动战争、实行外交、促进文化,同时...
这些灾害会对你的城市造成损伤,你需要在灾难发生时进行重建。另外,本作还引入了影响力货币和世界议会等新机制。玩家可以通过影响力来造福自己或制裁敌人来达到可观的目的。 总的来说,《文明6》是一款内容丰富、机制新颖的策略游戏。 下载:文明6 Sid Meier‘s Civilization VI for mac游戏 中文版...
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Free Download Game For PC. You can get this game Sid Meier’s Civilization VI free from Torrent.
How To Install Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Free Download: 1. Free Download Sid Meier’s Civilization VI PC Game Here: (All links are interchangeable, please verify all the other servers before Ask Re-Upload) • Link Part 1 –Part 2 –Part 3 –Part 4 –Part 5 –Part ...