Build something you believe in with Sid Meier's Civilization® VII, launching February 11, 2025. Pre-order now!
Build something you believe in with Sid Meier's Civilization® VII, launching February 11, 2025. Pre-order now!
Download Sid Meier's Civilization We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
Released in 1996, the turn-based strategy sequel to Sid Meier's Civilization introduced meaningful new features as well as the now-familiar isometric camera.
Released in 1996, the turn-based strategy sequel to Sid Meier's Civilization introduced meaningful new features as well as the now-familiar isometric camera.
文明IICivilization II / Civ 2 / Sid Meier's Civilization 2 / Civ2 / Civilization 2Sid Meier's Civilization II MicroProse Software, Inc. 1996-02-29 9.48.8 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 资源 媒体评分9.4会员评分8.8 做出所有重大的社会、经济和政治决策,建立横跨历史长河的帝国。对抗一些史上最伟大的领...
文明:变革 2Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution 2 Firaxis Games 2014-07-01 6.08.0 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分6.0会员评分8.0 《文明变革 2》是《文明变革》(Civilization Revolution)的续作,本作将是该系列第一款手游平台独占的游戏,继承前作的系统与模式,并且有一定的优化。
Civilization is the only series I can think of where a team of riflemen can use their muskets to shoot down a B-52 Bomber. If you've never played it before, that might sound weird. But this is a truly epic turn-based strategy game that takes you from a s
Since 1991, the award-winning Civilization series of turn-based strategy games has challenged players to build an empire to stand the test of time.
Sid Meier's Civilization VI游戏视频 玩一玩测评 距离上一作《文明5》发售一共经过了六年,这六年的时间Firaxis除了继续出DLC和资料片来续命和赚奶粉钱,也不忘研究游戏给他们带来的数据。因此才有了我们今天的《文明6》,而且虽然4X的核心玩法没有改变,但本作有几个十分有意思的地方值得玩家们的关注。